Ontalian War

The Ontalian war was the largest war in Thrail's history and involved many of the important nations on the western half of the continent. It reshaped borders and still has lingering consequences politically, economically, and socially today.

The Conflict


Tensions between the Mirathen Empire and the Nelevari Dominion rose drastically over access to shipping lanes through the Bristengotan Strait. Nelevar desired control over the Tarsalis Pennisula and further access to Eofas for the harvesting of Zellium. Nelevar eventually secured the Duchy of Vervicote as an ally which sparked the conflict.


The Nelevari Dominion expanded its borders to the Sylethal River and annexed the formerly conquered countries of Pelinovar and Nytheris into the dominion. They dissolved the country of Aduin with its lands divvied up between Orholm and Juria both of whom joined the dominion as well. The city of Barrunkilldon was also captured and kept by Nelevar during the war. The Tarsalis Pennisula was also secured Nelevar as well, but Mirathen maintained control of the western banks of Ormyst. For the Republic of Astravar, they were granted the western banks of the Bristengotan Strait and access to the Tarsalis Penninsula. The Kingdom of Thalora declared independence from Mirathen during the war but was given back to Mirathen by the end of the war.


The war solidified Nelever as the most powerful nation on Thrail and rapidly increased their economy and technological advancement. Ruling over so many states was seen as tenuous at first, but continued staying power in global politics and relative stability amongst the variety of people has provided evidence for the longevity of the Dominion. This coincided with the explosion of Nelevar's version of Aluism which soon became the standard across all Ontalia.   The Mirathen Empire was drastically reduced in power, which most other political entities viewed as a positive at first. Their continued bullying presence in the Coricut Sea had stifled trade for many years and now the routes were fully opened by Nelever. In essence, though, all the power of the Empire had been transferred to the Neleveri Domnion and most of Thrail waits in trepidation for it to inevitably spark another conflict.   The Bristengotan Strait splitting its ownership forced Mirthen to change its approach to trade through it and plenty of new Mirathen ports opened up after the war. However, the strict tariffs and the general abrasiveness of the pre-war Empire still hang over Mirthan and most mercantile vessels favor the western shore. Along with the generally disastrous result of the war, most Mirathen people are bitter and angry with their government.

Historical Significance


The war was significant due to its wide-reaching influence and involvment of many different nations. It reshaped the entire landscape around the Coricut Sea and continues to have ripple effects in the cultures and countries all across Ontalia. It created the geopolitical juggernaught of the Nelevari Dominion and led to many contriversial and powerful techologies being developed.

Technological Advancement

The Ontalian War was the first major conflict to use weaponry that benefitted from the plentiful supply of Quintessence created from Zellium Refining. Along with other developments such as the Frostfire Rail, logistics and scale in the war were far more sophisticated than any previous war. The overall destruction and casualties of the war were far greater than previous wars with many new arcane technologies and magic being deployed for the first time.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
1173 S.J.
Ending Date
1204 S.J
Conflict Result
Victory for The Liberation







To resist the expansion of the Mirathen Empire, liberate their conquered territories, and secure safe trade routes through the Bristengotan Strait.
To resist the Liberation's unjust seizue of the Duchy of Vervicote and maintain order and propserity for the states of the Empire.



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