
This religion worships the deity Alust.


Aluism is strictly hierarchical and it teaches that positions within its ranks are determined meritocratically.  

Aluist Titles & Positions

Grand Architect: The highest position, only held by a singular entity. The Grand Architect is seen as the ultimate master of creation and innovation, revered for their wisdom and guidance in advancing society through technology and industry. Also chooses the next King of Nelevar should the current one perish.   Architect: Directly beneath the Grand Architect, Architects preside over the religion within a city and govern it. They are equal parts a political role as a religious one, as this position only exists in Nelevar. The speak on behalf of the Grand Architect with his authority, and only report to him or the King.   Machinist: The Machinist is a position bestowed by an Architect to those whose creations contribute significantly to the religion or society. They are typically greatned foundries and industries within a region to control.   Artificer: Equivalent to a Formulator, Inventors are appointed by Machinists and represent leadership within Aluism regarding technological and arcane advancments. Artificers are those on the path to mastering the integration of technology and magic. Obtaining a Certificate of Aritficery requires study, apprenticeships, and devotation many years at an Aluist Artificery. Such a certificate is typically required to operate within Nelevar as a Quintical or Lumaryimist.   Formulator: Equivalent to a Inventor, Formulators are appointed by Machinists to handle the finances and buinesses aspects of Aluism. Industry is a creation unto itself and formulators keep its gears greased so that Aluism can serve its followers. Typically, Scriviners are chosen for this role.   Expositor: Expositors are appointed by Architects and serve as the spirtual leaders within Aluism. There is typically only a single Expositor for each Architect. They deliver and interpret the theology of the Grand Architect. They typically are granted authority over parts of large cities. They often posses powerful divine magic.   Surveyor: Surveyors are appointed by Expositors and serve underneath them. They can be appointed from any position, but typically are chosen from amongst Scrivener or Artificers, and in rare cases from a common laborer. They lead worship services and have authority small towns or areas outside the city.   Balancer: Balancers are appointed by Expositors and are charged with upholding the laws and teachings of the religion. They operate as an enforcer for keeping productivity up for their Architect.   Conveyor: Conveyors are servents of Balancers and serve at the foot soliders of Aluism.   Inventor: Those studying to become artificers are reffered to as inventors.   Devisor: The Devisor is responsible for documenting and preserving the knowledge and achievements of the faith. They meticulously record the teachings of the higher echelons and serve as historians and archivists for the religion.   Soulforged: Typically not considered as part of the hierarchy, but very relevant, are the Soulforged. As a creation of the Grand Architect and as a tenent of the religion, these creatures are considered to be slaves beholden to the orders of any follower of Alu. Their purpose, in following the laws of nature itself, is to serve and obey its creator. They often work directly with scribes and artificers to carry out dangerous or otherwise undesirable tasks.

Mythology & Lore

All Aluists believe that Alu created Halor as the refuge place for humans in their mortal lives and that humans were the first beings to arrive. It teaches that Alu began his work by gathering the scattered fragments of worlds destroyed by Usos, molding them with his divine hands in to gems. With each stroke of his mighty hands, he shaped the world into a vast, celestial ring.   The ring was not merely a whim of design but a deliberate creation embodying Alu's ideals. Its circular form symbolized eternity, a never-ending cycle of growth and advancement. Alu believed that progress was a journey without end, and the ring's unbroken path represented this continuous pursuit of knowledge and achievement. Halor is the ring and Alu's followers are to create the gem upon it.   Once the other deities saw that Alu had created such a beatiful world for his people, they decided to bring their followers to inhabit it as well, instead of making an inferior world. Alu benevolently allowed this incursion, but he knew that the arrival of other gods and their followers would inevitably lead to conflicts and challenges. To maintain balance and ensure the continued prosperity of his world, Alu established a set of divine laws and boundaries.   Alu decreed that each deity could carve out a realm within the ring, a domain suited to their essence and the nature of their followers. These realms would coexist, each contributing to the richness of the world. However, Alu's laws stipulated that no deity could dominate the entire ring or impose their will upon the others.   The gods accepted Alu's terms, recognizing the wisdom in his guidance. They created their realms with care, shaping environments that reflected their divine attributes and nurturing their followers within these boundaries. To the humans, they maintained the central four bands and the other four bands were each granted to a deity.

Tenets of Faith

The work of one's hands reveals the state of one's heart   Create, shape, mold, and make. These are the marks of a true follower.   Alu created the world expecting his followers to follow his lead and create themselves.   Creation is beholden to its creator.


Worship in this religion is conducted in buildings called Inventorium that often resemble a workshop more than a usual place of worship. Services within often involve sermons along with some work of the hands to create an offering. These offerings are typically made from wood and metal, and the congregation will burn or melt them to conclude the service.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Aluism is heavily tied into the nation of Nelevar which operates as a Theocracy under Aluist control.


Though Aluism is dominent in Nelevar and across Thrail , there are a few splinter sects that worship Alu in different ways.  


Bluetips are those that criticize the use of Zellium Refining and other industies that have had a negative effect on surrounding communties. They work within the confines of mainline Aluism and are almost entirely centered in the cities of Nelevar.  


The forgers are a sect that believe the Soulforged are fully sentient beings and that they should be granted equivalent rights to everyone else. Many Soulforged naturally gravitate towards this belief. This sect is egregiously punished by mainline Aluists, but has gained significant traction, especially outside of Nelevar.  


Bluetips are those that criticize the use of Zellium Refining and other industies that have had a negative effect on surrounding communties. They work within the confines of mainline Aluism and are almost entirely centered in the cities of Nelevar.  


Separatists are those that reject the hiearchical nature of mainstream aluism and pursue more egalitarian means of congregation and worship.

Builders of Brilliance, Architects of Ascendance

Permeated Organizations


The relationship between Aluists and Euangelists varies depending on region. Within Nelevar, Euangelism is outright banned, and penatlies vary if one is found practicing. Outside of Nelevar, the two sides vehemently disagree on almost everything and rarely get along, though it is less extreme.