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Faitilic is the language natively spoken by the Faitilic people of Pwenlylyn. Despite its small population of native speakers compared to languages such as Dodeshi or Ceiglic, Faitilic is one of the most widespread and commonly used languages, especially as a lingua franca for use in business and commerce. This is due to the language's near universal nature and lack of dialects as well as its simple and understandable structure, at least in its modern form. Ancient forms of Faitilic were runic, cryptic, and difficult to pronounce, but the increase of literacy rates throughout the past few centuries has led to a natural simplification of the language as its written form remains less and less reserved for nobility. Generally, Faitilic is a long-winded and flowy language, but uses a simple alphabetical structure and syntax when written, allowing it to be easily understood.
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