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The Faityl people have a culture with deep roots in ritualistic traditions which are often intertwined with their animistic and spiritualistic religion. The colorful stone obelisks that dot Pwenlylyn are seen in a holy light by Faityl faiths, believing them to be the forms of deceased or forgotten spirits that roamed the material plane before man existed. While their native beliefs surround a spiritualistic faith, many Faitilic peoples today instead worship the divines of the Communion of the Six Divines, the pantheon promoted as a state religion by the Valaris Empire, the empire which had ruled over the Marcean, Faitilic, and Macavurian peoples for centuries before its collapse.   The Faityl people speak Faitilic, a native language of their people which is written in a runic alphabet and is widely spoken across Pwenlylyn, even in Macavuria despite the influence of Macavurian culture and language. Dialects exist, mostly local in nature, but most of the differences between the original language and its dialects come down to accents and colloquialisms rather than core lingual differences. Speakers of different dialects can entirely understand each other apart from southern dialects which see the influence of the Macavurian language.   Faityl people typically dress in common hide and cloth tunics and trousers which are almost always hand-sewn by members of their family or themselves. Their clothes tend to be of bluish, purple, or other cool colors, dyed by pigments made from various native wildflowers. They tend to wear plaid or striped cloaks trimmed with runic patterns often painted on in white or black pigment. Village and local leaders tend to wear two or more cloaks as a sign of their societal standing as well as leather headbands made from the hides of beasts that are more typically dangerous, such as the Regis or the Bylrnr. Teeth, bones, and other parts of animals are often worn as jewelry and piercings are common among the Faityl people. Nobles and major cultural leaders tend to wear circlets and crowns made of bronze, decorated with jagged, linear designs as well as a multitude of other bronze jewelry.
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