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Kawi Amku

The Kawi Amku is a populous and influential nation in Almor, located in the continents northeast and bordering the Ŕudfenian Amku and the Ik'umri Sym. While not one of the largest nations in terms of landmass, the Kawi Amku has a larger population, numerically, than any other nation throughout Halth'aire. The Kawi Amku is, in terms of geopolitics, seen as the rival to the Ŕudfenian Amku, being the prideful, longstanding empire, having existed for nearly four thousand years, that represents stability, peace, and the traditional order of Almor. Nearly all of the nation's people live in the southern half of the empire due to the temperate climate and abundance of arable land. The northern half of the empire is far less populated and mostly consists of steppes and a strange, red-colored glacial plain that has long remained an element of folklore in Kawian Naadi tales and religion.    The Kawi Amku was the main rival of the Ŕudfenian Amku, having seen them as a dangerous force that would continue to expand and expand until all of the traditional Almorian kingdoms had been enveloped. Instead, the Ŕudfenian Amku ended their conquests with the acquisition of the remainder of southern Almor and consolidated their position in the world, leaving the Kawi Amku, among the other Almorian kingdoms, forced to accept this new balance of power. The Ŕudfenian Amku quickly became the most prosperous and influential Almorian kingdom, but the longstanding history of the Naadi people, especially those of northern Almorian descent, would always be found in the lands of the Kawi Amku. Ancient temples, religious orders, occult colleges, and historical monuments from thousands of years ago all dot the lands of the Kawi Amku, representing the empire's historical importance to the Naadi.    The current Hapus Pixxogiopo is Takaa Isau, a fairly unremarkable ruler. He is, as many Kawian leaders before him were, an overbearingly average leader with no real outstanding qualities other than his background, given he was a former general who, as part of a coalition of Almorian states, aided the Ik'umri Sym in resisting advances made by the Wolgast Sym. He, as nearly all rulers before him have also done, has maintained the territories of the empire, aided other nations around the Kawi Amku, and continued to focus on the progression of arcane technology and his funding of newly-formed mage orders. He has launched expeditions searching for answers on the Wellspring, aiming to find out its origins and whether or not it could be brought back. This is likely due to the recent rise in paranormal and monstrous occurrences throughout Almor and the recent spike in arcane storms.
Geopolitical, Empire
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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