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Ikʼumri Sym

The Ik'umri Sym is a small kingdom in the central northern regions of Almor, the largest continent in Halth'aire. Ik'umri borders each of the other Almorian kingdoms and holds land on the continent's northern coast, on which a few minor port towns exist. The nation encompasses most of the fertile and arable land in the northern reaches of the continent, being located in a fertile valley which contains the most expansive tracts of arable riparian land in Almor. This natural geography has led to the adoption of a largely agricultural economy throughout the continent's interior, with the nation's capital even being near the origin point of the Uxiri River.    Ik'umri is a youthful (under a thousand years old) and theocratic nation in which the ruling monarch is also the head of the nations temples and religious hierarchy. Given the nation practices Dhunya Amarish, a pantheon-based faith popular in the western hemisphere, the nation's Symnic is also the nation's most powerful, in terms of influence in the church, Zahari. This is due to legal code enacted nearly seven centuries prior which stated that the Symnic would also control the church as the dynasty in control of Ik'umri, the Sochi, was known to have strange and inherited power that would allow them to commune with deities and outer planes to a greater extent than anyone else. The current Symnic, Sato Sochi, is a young and unpopular ruler given their youthful age and supposed inexperience. Part of this unrest is due to lingering anger towards their father, who was seen as an incompetent and somewhat insane leader who seemed mentally unfit to rule, at least in the eyes of the people.   The Ik'umri Sym is a fairly underdeveloped nation, being comprised of mostly agricultural settlements and an economy based primarily on lumber, agriculture, and simple metalworking. Most settlements in this nation are located in its interior, with the capital, Sochixi, being located closer to the mountainous lands in the kingdom's south than the northern coast. Ik'umri does not have a large population but is the most populous of the kingdoms in Almor apart from the Ŕudfenian Amku. This is widely a result of the overbearingly fertile nature of the nation's lands which in turn causes widespread food surpluses.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Official Languages


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