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Wun Yunri

The Wun Yunri is a youthful kingdom on the southern tip of Haraxim, bordered by the Mumay Yunri to the north. The Wun Yunri had once been part of the Mumay Yunri, but a succession issue upon the previous king's death led to each of his sons receiving titles of equal stature, meaning that two kingdoms were forged. The Wun Yunri is small and located in a fairly barren and desolate region of Haraxim. There is little arable land in the nation and much of the kingdom's water supply is underground as there are no rivers or major bodies of water in the kingdom's territory. Much of the nation's population lives near major aquifers or by the few minor lakes and streams found in the kingdom's lands.   The current king, Iris Noctis Iber, is the younger brother of the king of the Mumay Yunri, Kodar Noctis Iber. The two brothers are very close and have thus entered into a total alliance, ensuring each other's independence. Iris Noctis Iber is a popular ruler, seen as a man of the people and seemingly caring about his subjects to a great extent. He is often seen throughout the capital, speaking to locals and gauging the issues plaguing his kingdom first hand. Iris has also cut back on the unrestricted trade of Xumil in the Wun Yunri, implementing quotas and shutting down smuggling rings as well as the trade of recreational Xumil. However, the Xumil trade is still a major element of the Kingdom's economy.   The people of the Wun Yunri are primarily Utor humans, but, like the other nations of Haraxim, there are many Nuvarians and Dragonborn in the kingdom as well. In addition, many Froslak merchants from the nearby continent of Dalashiel live in merchant enclaves in some of the kingdom's ports. The kingdom's population is primarily clustered around a few areas, those with arable land and useable water. Otherwise, many people live in the rural steppes, herding animals and raising livestock. Others hunt wildlife in the temperate deserts of Haraxim, seeking sand worms and other sought-after animals to sell to butchers.
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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