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Mumay Yunri

The Mumay Yunri is the largest kingdom in Haraxim, controlling most of the continent and the majority of its Xumil deposits. The Mumay Yunri had once been unified with the Wun Yunri under a single king, but a recent succession crisis has led to the two nations splitting, albeit peacefully. The two kingdoms are now close allies, though there is little sign of their respective rulers giving up their independence to reform a single nation. The Mumay Yunri controls the southern Terai River Basin, one of the larger regions of arable land in Haraxim. Thus, the population of the Mumay Yunri is larger and less concentrated in a few clusters than that of the other two kingdoms in Haraxim.    The king of the Mumay Yunri is Kodar Noctis Iber, the older brother of Iris Noctis Iber who is the king of the Wun Yunri. This sibling relation has led to the Mumay Yunri and the Wun Yunri being conjoined in a total alliance, both defensive and offensive in nature. Kodar is seen as a somewhat self-absorbed and uncaring king, being attributed to the overbearing poverty and civil unrest that overwhelms the kingdom today. He is known to rarely leave his palace and is said to live a luxurious and carefree life, going on hunts for rare beasts and travelling to other continents to attend parties with more reputable nobles. Wars between Mumay nobles and nobles within the Chem'i Yunri have caused the loss of territory for the Mumay Yunri and have decreased the kingdom's influence in the Xumil trade.   The people of the Mumay Yunri are primarily Utor humans, with a small population of Nuvarians and Dragonborn also being present throughout the kingdom. Most of the Mumay Yunri's population lives in towns and rural communities throughout the Terai River Basin, though many also live near Xumil mines and quarries throughout the kingdom. Most people in the Mumay Yunri are farmers or miners, either cultivating crops along the Terai River or working in the Xumil mines of the country's interior territories.
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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