Edmund Parlfray Character in Haranshire | World Anvil

Edmund Parlfray


Edmund Parlfray was barely a year old when the Broken Spire disaster occurred, killing both his parents and his uncle Teomund, as well as many other servants and family members. A young maid by the name of Tabitha rescued him and carried him from the forest.   From there, he was raised by his uncle and current Duke of Haranshire, Cuthen Parlfray in Thurmaster until the current Parlfray's Keep was completed in the nearby Halfcut Hills. After that, Edmund saw little of his uncle and was raised by an army of tutors, servants, and other minor nobility on the grounds.   His uncle made it no secret that he blamed Edmund for the disaster, even though he was only a year old at the time. This blame had a profound effect on Edmund, who grew up in a constant state of resentment. In 1514, when Edmund was 20 years old, his uncle arranged a marriage with a noble from the Capitol. Her name was Cheshire, and while she was a dutiful wife, Edmund was as invested in their relationship as with anything else in his life. Over the next 9 years, Cheshire and Edmund tried and failed 5 times to produce an heir, but was unsuccessful. This only served to convince his uncle Cuthen more of Edmund's worthlessness.   In 1523, Cuthen dies of old age, and Edmund becomes Duke. Edmund had no real desire to rule, and he appointed his Squire, Marlen, to run the day to day affairs in Thurmaster, and retreated into alternating bouts of depression and isolation, and fanciful ideas of expansion and building. In 1524, Cheshire finally carried a child to term, and Lyntern Parlfray was born, but died in childbirth, causing Edmund to withdraw further into his work on rebuilding the keep.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1494 CY 48 Years old
Broken Spire Keep
Current Residence
Parlfray's Keep
Middle length, white
275 pounds
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations