Session 1 - The Panther's Pursuit Report in Haranshire | World Anvil

Session 1 - The Panther's Pursuit

General Summary

4th of May, 1542   The first weekend of the month is always reserved for the Market in Harlaton. Farmers bring in their wares and buy supplies, and the town gossips of all the changes and events in the public eye. The majority of the discussion on this months market seems to center around the growing concern on the New Mire, which has grown even more since the previous months market. Some are beginning to look for someone to blame, while others wonder why "Old Man Carman", the name most call Darius Carman hasn't done more to stop it.   The party arrived in the Harlaton Market, and began to mingle. Ava arrived first, and Balton asked her to help bring some wood he'd just received from the Woodcutters in Lyrchwood back to Balton's Arrows. Once the wood was unloaded, he stayed behind to sort it, while Ava returned to the market.   Will The Beekeeper could be seen in the market, gossiping about the New Mire and casting scornful looks in Maura's direction. A few other farmers were listening intently to his words.   Gordrenn and Hilda greeted the party warmly and were making small talk when Albin came from the nearby field, being chased by a large black cat. Gordrenn stepped up quickly, but the cat pounced on him, doing significant damage. The rest of the group cornered the cat, forcing it to run, while Maura protected Albin. Ava arrived back at the Market just in time to see the cat run off, and had a brief discussion regarding the healing of Gordrenn with Theo.   Albin explained that he, Bron, and Katrin were playing outside of town, when the large cat came out of nowhere to attack them. They ran, but were split up. He didn't know which way the other two went, but he could take the group to where they last were. The group tried to convince him to stay, but he was unwilling. He felt it was his responsibility to help find the others.   The party agreed, and they all set off with Albin to the play location. Once then, Quin's Eidolon Fahlkor began to track the other two, and quickly found the trail. They searched for some time, and eventually found Katrin's crossbow discarded in a bush. Quin picked that up and passed it over to Chinatsu. The trail continued up the steep climb of one of The Terraces, and then across a field of rutabagas. Eventually, they found Katrin in a tree near the edge of the field, and she pointed out a small hole that Bron had hidden in.   The hole was small, only 4 feet in diameter, but Chinatsu transformed into a fox to head down. The sides of the cave were very slippery, and the slope quickly became very steep. He tumbled down into the cave below, taking a bit of damage. Down inside, He noticed the small boy and another figure that wasn't moving. The party discussed ways to get them out, when Chinatsu realized the ceiling of the cave was covered in a swarm of bloodsuckers. Up top, Ava convinced Katrin and Albin to head home, and they would rescue Bron.   The entire party came down into the cave, and thanks to Maura's dancing lights, they were able to see that the other figure was a dessicated corpse, with a stone floating in the air near its head. Quin retrieved it and a money pouch from its belt, while the party worked to make sure everyone escaped while fighting off multiple waves of bloodseeker attacks.   Eventually getting everyone out, with only minor damage, the party returned back to Harlaton with Bron in tow.

Rewards Granted

1 Aeon Stone (Dull Grey)
1 bag of coins (contains 2 loose stones, 1 pendant with a midnight blue stone setting, 2 gold pieces, 16 silver pieces, and 43 copper pieces)   250 Experience Points

Missions/Quests Completed

Drove off Panther, successfully escaped the Bloodsucker Cave.

Character(s) interacted with

Gordrenn - Attacked by panther, but was healed. He's a little worse for wear but alive.
Albin - Rescued from panther.
Katrin - Rescued from a tree.
Bron - Rescued from Bloodsucker cave.
Shadows of the Underdark
Quinneon Burrfoot
Level 2 Summoner.
30 / 30
Chi Natsu
Level 3 Gunslinger (Spellshot).
28 / 28
Maura Le Brevil
Report Date
08 Jun 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters