
16 of Sarenith, 11923  

Current Era

1 12000

  • 1 CE

    1 CE

    The end of the old world
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The times before have been lost to the sands of time, legends still surface and are told around circles. The legend goes that the gods had ran rampant across the lands, and the conflict was reaching a boiling point, a great war erupted between various groups of celestials (both good, bad and in-between) culminating in a fracture between realities that threatened to destroy the world at large. An agreement was struck between the forces, and through the agreement it was said that major texts and lore of the time would be wiped from the world in an effort to keep it from happening again.   The time before is colloquially known as the Dark Ages.

  • 5987 CE

    5998 CE

    18 Sarenith

    The Victory of Archmage Blackcrag
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    An eleven year conflict in which Archmage Blackcrag sought to defeat an elder lich who was attempting to corrupt the world through the use of an ancient artifact.   After destroying the lich Blackcrag and his cohorts hid the Artifact in an attempt to keep it from resurfacing again.

  • 6095 CE

    13 Erastus

    Founding of Odril and the Magus Consortium

    Archmage Fertz Blackcrag envisioned a country run by a council of arcane masters, and had set out to see his vision become reality.   On this day the first meeting of the Magus Consortium came to order, 5 other arcane masters had been chosen to lead and together the group set laws and borders for the founding of Odril as a country.

  • 6100 CE

    10 Pharast

    The Founding of The Binding Brand

    Tired of having to solve military conflicts themselves, The Magus Consortium founded the military branch to be known as The Binding Brand, originating in Gazor Fort.

  • 6248 CE

    7 Pharast

    Death of Archmage Fertz Blackcrag
    Life, Death

    Archmage Fertz Blackcrag found to have passed in his sleep.

  • 6350 CE

    7 Pharast

    Beginning construction of the capitol city of Blackcrag
    Construction beginning/end

    The Magus Consortium of the time decided to construct the capitol city from the depths of the crater in Odril.   The city was dedicated to Archmage Fertz Blackcrag for his contributions to the country and to the founding of the Magus Consortium.

  • 7000 CE

    13 Erastus

    The Founding of Blackcrag
    Construction beginning/end

    The construction of the capitol city of Blackcrag was a long endeavor, it took many generations of mining, collecting and focusing crystals from the depths of the crater to keep it aloft.   On this day in history the city's crystals were activated and it rose to the skies, the city has not landed since it was launched.   The 13th of Erastus was chosen to commemorate Archmage Blackcrag's founding of the Magus Consortium and the official birth of Odril as a country.

    More reading
  • 11923 CE

    The Current Year

    Today, how will we shape what's before us?