Lady Beatrice Silverbrook

  Lady Beatrice Silverbrook, a distinguished scholar and teacher at Riverbend Academy, is an elven luminary with a wealth of knowledge and a captivating presence. At the age of 257, she carries herself with grace and poise, her silver-white hair cascading down to her waist in elegant waves. Her piercing emerald eyes hold both wisdom and a spark of curiosity, reflecting a lifetime spent in pursuit of historical truths and ancient lore.   Lady Beatrice's regal stature is complemented by her attire, often adorned in flowing robes of deep forest green and accessorized with intricate silver jewelry, symbolizing her elven heritage. Her slender fingers often trace delicate patterns in the air, an unconscious manifestation of her scholarly demeanor.   Known for her meticulous attention to detail, Lady Beatrice approaches her teachings with a scholarly precision and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Her demeanor is both authoritative and warm, commanding respect while also fostering an environment of intellectual curiosity. She imparts historical accounts and local lore with a vivid storytelling style, effortlessly transporting her students to distant lands and forgotten times.   When not immersed in her scholarly pursuits, Lady Beatrice finds solace in her personal library, a treasure trove of ancient tomes and rare manuscripts. Her true passion lies in unearthing forgotten histories and piecing together the tales of civilizations long past. She spends hours lost in the pages of ancient texts, finding joy in the discovery of forgotten legends and sharing them with her students, igniting their imaginations and instilling a love for the rich tapestry of the world's history.  
Current Location
Date of Birth
6th of Sarenith
Current Residence