Lysander Nightshade

  Lysander was born into a family of musicians and performers. His parents were both tieflings who played in a traveling band, and they taught him everything he knows about music. As a child, Lysander was already a talented musician, but he also had a gift for marketing and promoting his family's shows.   When Lysander was a young adult, he decided to strike out on his own and pursue a career as a musician and marketer. He traveled the world, playing his music and learning everything he could about the art of promotion. Eventually, he found his way to the Succulent Sapphire, where he was immediately drawn to the union's unique approach to marketing.   Lysander quickly made a name for himself within the union, using his talents to help expand the business and bring in new clients. He was eventually promoted to the position of Marketing Manager, where he oversaw all of the union's advertising campaigns and promotional events.   Lysander's musical talents have also been put to good use by the Succulent Sapphire. He often performs at the union's establishments, drawing in crowds and entertaining clients with his beautiful music. Lysander is proud of his work with the union and considers himself lucky to be a part of such a unique and successful organization.  
Current Location
Date of Birth
27th of Abadius
Current Residence
Aligned Organization