Naiya Wavesinger

  Naiya Wavesinger grew up in a small fishing village on the coast, where she learned the value of hard work and the importance of community. She moved to Blackcrag when she was in her early twenties, hoping to find better job opportunities and a new way of life.   Naiya was hired by the Succulent Sapphire as a receptionist, and she quickly proved herself to be a valuable asset to the business. Her friendly demeanor and excellent communication skills made her a natural fit for the role, and she soon found herself being promoted to more and more responsible positions.   Eventually, Naiya was promoted to the position of Human Resources Manager, where she oversees all of the union's hiring, training, and employee relations. She takes great pride in her work, and she is known for being a fair and compassionate manager who genuinely cares about the well-being of the union's staff.   Naiya's work within the union has been instrumental in helping the business expand and thrive. She has developed comprehensive training programs for new hires, implemented performance evaluation systems, and created a culture of mutual respect and professionalism within the organization.   Despite her busy schedule, Naiya always finds time to help out her colleagues and make sure that everyone is doing well. She is highly respected within the union and is considered to be one of its most valuable employees.  
Current Location
Date of Birth
17th of Desnus
Aligned Organization