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Bidow (J4)

capital of Nephshire   Bidow is held for the King by Sir Chimin Indama, Sheriff of Neph and Baron of Getha. Sir Chimin leaves many of his sheriff’s duties to his son, Sir Harapa Indama.   Sir Harapa is married to Princess Udine Elendsa, a niece of the king. His infant son, Dosyl, has a claim to the throne. Cut from the same cloth as his father, Sir Harapa leaves any ambitions and intrigues to his wife. He prefers to spend his days combining his three passions: hawks, hounds, and horses.   Bidow Keep was constructed in 470 using stones from more ancient fortifications of the area, some even transported by ferry down the Shem from the Sorkin Mountains. Some of the stones bear strange symbols that have spurred many legends among the townsfolk. One stone depicts several lancers fighting an invisible foe, causing endless speculation about the enemy’s identity.   The keep is urgently in need of repair. The cellars have a tendency to flood in spring and the foundations are showing signs of weakening. Erdar of Orinain, Kaldor’s Inspector of Public Works, recently visited to determine what must be done. He advised that extensive repairs must be undertaken soon to avoid possible collapse of the keep. Erdar estimates the necessary repairs will take at least two years and cost 400 GP.   The Bidow region has long had a reputation for mystery and mayhem. Most folk blame the stones used to build the keep. Locals also speak of a demon that stalks the Forest of Leth to the southeast. Disappearances in this forest exceed a dozen over the past decade. Recently two miners disappeared while investigating an abandoned tin mine near the headwaters of the Dobra River. Peasants in outlying manors may bear a quarterstaff and a short dagger when collecting dropwood or tending swine.

Industry & Trade

Grain, Salt,   Import:
Copper, Iron, Lead, Linen, Sheep, Silver, Stone, Tin

Outpost / Base
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Owning Organization
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