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Indama Clan

Clan Indama has been prominent in the affairs of Kaldor since the time of the Kingdom of Serelind. They have held the Barony of Getha since a Keep was constructed in 240. During the Kaldoric Civil War, Clan Indama backed Aidrik II. In 372, Getha keep was besieged by Fierth’s forces for nearly three months and suffered heavy damage before relief arrived from Gardiren. The remainder of Clan Indama lived in Gardiren until the restoration of Aidrik III.   When Aidrik III was restored to the throne in 407, Clan Indama was restored to their positions as Barons of Getha swearing allegiance to the Earl of Neph. Funds were provided to rebuild Getha keep, which was completed in 440 after a fire in 437.   During the Baronial Revolt, Clan Indama supported the claim of Clan Elendsa. Getha keep was besieged again in the spring of 601. The ongoing war had greatly diminished the food stocks in the keep, and the defenders quickly ran short of rations. After 4 months, the keep fell in an assault during which most of Clan Indama died.   Young Moren Indama, who had been in Olokand at the time of the siege, succeeded as Baron and was restored to his barony when Haldan Elendsa was crowned King of Kaldor in 603. In 619, Baron Moren died and the barony was became a ward of the crown until the majority of Moren’s only son, Ioin, aged 7. Upon reaching his majority, Ioin proved to be a loyal vassal and able administrator. He was made Sheriff of Nephshire in 642, and this position has been granted to his heirs as well.   The current baron, Chimin Indama, is married to the sister of Earl Curo of Neph. At 45, he is beginning to slow down in middle age from an active youth. Never much for estate management, he has delegated his duties as Sheriff to his oldest son and heir, Harapa. Harapa has married a niece of the king, Udine, and their young children have a nominal claim to the throne, though neither child has expressed much interest yet.   Chimin’s second son, Haradoc, serves as the Bailiff of Fethael hundred holding Hundholt manor. Haradoc is always trying to prove to be the better son to his father, and cares little for the consequences of his actions.   Chimin’s daughter, Lysella, is approaching marriageable age. She is an incorrigible flirt, and Baron Chimin is actively seeking a good political match for her before her actions go any further. He thinks Urian Caldeth, son of the Earl of Vemion, is an excellent candidate.   Clan Indama has good relations with the church of Larani, and have for many years. Chimin’s uncle, Parga, was the Laranian Rekela of Nurez at Abriel Abbey until his death 6 years ago. Chimin’s bastard brother, Luisan Kelic, is the Reblena of Jenkald.   Chimin's brother Baltora is bailiff of Dobraine hundred, holding Assintina manor. He is quite Proud of his sons Rheal and Taryn, who are bailiffs of Tirachane and Sezaze manors respectively.   Chimin's youngest brother, Medrik, married Lysella Hirnen, a cousin of Baron Erelar Hirnen. He has obtained an appointment as bailiff of Navintas hundred in Nephshire, holding Blikle manor. His sons Sedris and Laris are bailiffs of Blixth and Kirden manors respectively.

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Great clans of Kaldor:
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