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Settlement: Cherafir
Kingdom: Melderyn King: King Chunel Toron
Shire: Cherfinshire Sheriff: tbd
County: Tarial Hundred County Seat: Cherafir


Cherafir is a walled town and the royal seat of the Toron dynasty, kings of Melderyn. All major civic officials in Cherafir are appointed by the king with advice from the Council of Eleven. The chief civil officer is the lord warden (effectively a mayor), who has responsibility for all judicial and financial matters. He appoints 12 aldermen (nine of whom are currently women), tax officials, and so on. Military authority in Cherafir is retained by the king directly but is usually executed by the lord constable of Caer Cherafir. Despite the profound influence of the king and his advisors, the civic authorities and citizens of Cherafir enjoy high degrees of personal and institutional liberty; the king’s hand is hardly felt. Cherafir still holds an occasional town moot and judicial affairs are left to the council of aldermen.   Economy The economy of Cherafir revolves around its port; 80% of the trade between Hârn and Lythia passes through the city. Although Thay is the Hârnic port closest to Lythia and, therefore, the most favored for trade, all Lythian ships bound for Thay are required by law to call first at Cherafir for inspection; exports may ship from Thay with minimal inspection. There is an extensive list of goods that the Melderyni crown will not allow to be landed at Thay, regardless of their eventual destination. Proscribed items include weapons more “advanced” than those extant on Hârn, most arcane books and objects, and certain (flexibly defined) drugs, herbs, and elixirs. Some potential immigrants to Hârn with advanced powers, skills, or knowledge are also denied entry. Duties ranging from 10 to 500% (averaging 40%) are assessed against all allowable imports. Vessels that have paid their duties and otherwise passed inspection receive a sealed manifest from the harbormaster. Vessels seeking to dock at Thay will be refused entry if they do not present this manifest with the seal unbroken.   Cherafir’s foreigners’ quarter, known as the Alienage, is often described as “Little Lythia.” Most ships that come to Cherafir dock here and many accents and languages from the continent can be heard. Exit from the Alienage is regulated and foreigners are often denied entrance into the city proper. The quarter is poorly patrolled and the Lia-Kavair has considerable influence.


Feudal monarchy

Industry & Trade

Mostly self-sufficient.
Exports pottery, minerals (lead, tin, zinc, copper), & fish.


Shires or states


Large port.


Cherafir was occupied by the Jarin around 1100 BT, although it was occupied before that by the Henge Culture and earlier still by the Earthmasters. The modern city was founded in 1 TR when Erebir Pendragon made it his royal seat. Known as the “wizards’ city,” Cherafir is renowned throughout western Lythia as a center of scholastic activity. Cherafir boasts colleges of harpers and heralds as well as chantries of the Guild of Arcane Lore and various convocations of Shek-Pvar.

Points of interest

The Save K'nor's primate seat.


The largest Save-K'nor temple/library in the Harnic Isles. Rich and powerful pay to visit the library , but much of the temple's knowledge is only available to its priests.

Founding Date
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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