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Elorieth Clan

Clan Elorieth's rise to prominence came during the Kaldoric Civil War, in which Sir Greon Elorieth backed Fierth. After the defeat of Aidrik II, Sir Greon was appointed Baron of Baseta by King Fierth. However, the excesses of Uthred wore on, and in 406 Baron Elorieth supported the return of Aidrik III. Aidrik III never entirely trusted Baron Elorieth, and in 420, removed him to the newly created Barony of Nubeth, swearing allegiance to Earl Meleken.   During the Baronial Revolt, Atrin Elorieth remained loyal to the Earl Yorald Meleken as the latter pressed his claim to the throne. Baron Atrin was something of a brute, marrying the young daughter of a Knight whose manor was razed during the fighting. Unfortunately, he was not an effective leader of men. The resulting campaign did not go well, and the Baron of Nubeth remains the only major tenant swearing fealty to the Earl of Osel.   When Baron Atrin died childless (some say his wife poisoned him), his younger brother Taran succeeded as Baron of Nubeth. Both Taran and his son Teril were men of great vision and little understanding.   Taran supervised many building projects that did not go well, including abortive attempts to build bridges across the Taris River at Quelen and the Mylen River at Chesel and start a mine north of Manay.   Teril pursued a lifelong quest to exterminate the Paegelin with little success. Every year he would set a campaign into Oselmarch with a large company and baggage train that was easily avoided by the much more woods savvy Paegelin.   The current Baron, Dwyn Elorieth, spent much of his youth attempting to live up to the unrealistic expectations of his father. He vigorously participated in jousts and was an enthusiastic supporter of King Torastra's campaigns. It is a small miracle he did not die in any of the battles.   In 684, Dwyn Elorieth met Releisa Kobarn, who had a remarkable calming effect on him. They were soon married. When Dwyn succeeded as baron in 697, he proved to be a much more able lord and administrator than his predecessors.   When Releisa died in 714, Dwyn was heartbroken and has ceased to take much interest in any affairs that do not involve his family and the annual Nubeth Fair. When his sister, a Peonian Pelnala and gifted healer, died in 716, Dwyn provided funds for the founding a school of the healing arts in her memory.   Dwyn's first son, Arwyn, is not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, but is loyal to his father and fulfills his duties as Constable of Nubeth Keep in a reasonable manner. Arwyn is married to Lenia Meleken, and they have had five children, all boys. This makes for quite the commotion around Nubeth keep, and the baron always delights in hearing about the activities of his grandsons.   Dwyn's daughter, Julela, has entered the church of Peoni, hoping to follow in the footsteps of her Aunt Mirim. She serves as Ebasethe at nearby Ostelim manor.   The twins, Conwyn and Merwyn, are active in the tourney circuit and have a desire to prove themselves in battle. Both would earnestly like to take on the great adventure of finding Earl Sedris Meleken, if only they had the faintest clue how to go about it.   Jurik Elorieth is nephew of Dwyn and Bailiff of Chesel Manor. His mother, wife, and young son reside with him. Dwyn's niece, Evalin, serves the Church of Larani at Brynd abbey.

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Family Leader
Great clans of Kaldor:
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