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Brynd (K5)

Brynd is the seat of the Rekela of Serelind Diocese and has played a prominent role in the history of Kaldor. After King Fierth died in 385, his son Uthred faced a baronial revolt. Rekela Juren Uberma of Serelind backed Uthred while the Rekela of Pagostra sided with the rebel barons. After the revolt was quashed, Rekela Juren mercilessly purged rebellious priests. The Church convened a council of Rekelas in 389 under the close scrutiny of King Uthred. The council reorganized church lands, transferring Irtivir and Lyntord to the Rekela of Serelind and Halaina to the Serekela.   Rekela Verda Emerel is an elderly man in failing health. Sheryd Quathis, Serolan of Brynd, is the effective Rekela and possible successor. Rekela Emerel has been a steadying influence on the church, carefully mediating between the Serekela and the dogmatic Rekela Hadan of Abriel. When Larani calls him to Dolithor, even his rivals will grieve.   The Rekela once served the Order of the Lady of Paladins as a chaplain and fought to protect “his” men from the excesses of Serekela Kalabin Elendsa. The order has not forgotten his service and the Brynd Guard contains many old friends. The Rekela once commented that his only regret was not traveling to Tengela and has requested his heart be buried there. There is quiet discussion of which Knight will undertake this task.   The large chapterhouse at Jenkald is also part of the diocese. Its troops regularly patrol the Silver Way in search of Gargun and brigands. In 704, with the help of chapters from Yaltako and Vadan, the order destroyed a large gargun swarm in a glorious battle near the Guthe River. Afterwards, the Earl of Balim made a large donation in support of their efforts to keep the Silver Way open.   Reblena Luisan Kelic of Jenkald deplores the Solori Crusade. He openly advocates creating a Kaldoric fighting order, separate from the Melderynbased Order of the Lady of Paladins.

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