BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Class: Warlock
Patron: Great Old One
Pact: Pact of the Tome
Your patron is Ilvar himself - a diety living here on the plane of Kethira, living among the mortals. He is otherworldly and difficult to understand. As your patron, he helps you step closer to understanding Ilvar and the secrets of the universe. Once per long rest you may pray to ask a question of a mystery. You will receive an other-worldly answer that will cause Exhaustion.
  You have a passing association with the Children of Ilvir, an association of mostly humans that worship Ilvar and are devoted to helping the Ivashu, including Tieflings, like yourself.   Background: Charlatan
Warlocks are stigmatized in the kingdom of Kaldor. You've learned to identify yourself as simply a wizard around polite company. Because of the False Identity feature of your Charlatan background, you are EXTRAORDINARILY good at hiding your warlock features, if and when you choose to do so. The other players know you are a warlock. You decide which characters, if any, know you are a warlock.   Age: 4
You were created four years ago, but your physical apparent age is about 17 years. Because of this, you are sometimes youthfully naive about adult topics.
  Virtue: You have Alien Physiology. You were not born, you were created by Ilvar himself. Your body is not limited by physical limits as others are. Is your Tielfling tail prehensile? Can you breathe underwater? What other wild things can you do? Once per session, you can demonstrate your alien physiology in a new way that grants you advantage on an associated skill check.
  Virtue: Cunning - work smarter, not harder. Others can work harder for you if you feed them the correct compliments and half-truths.   Vice: You also exhibit Alien Psychology. There are some situations where you simply don't understand what others understand easily. Sometimes you find yourself unable to communicate clearly and seem incomprehensible to others. Once per session, you may find yourself at a disadvantage on a skill check due to your alien psychology.
Vice: Honesty is naive. You avoid it.

  Armor of Agathys (5 HP/slot level)
Hellish Rebuke
Protection Good & Evil
+ Hellish Rebuke (1/day tiefling)
Eldritch Blast (plus agonizing blast invocation)
Minor Illusion
+ Sacred Flame (pact of the tome)
+ Mage Hand (pact of the tome)
+ Spare the Dying (pact of the tome)
+ Thaumaturgy (tiefling)
+ Comprehend Languages (book of ancient secrets)
+ Detect Magic (book of ancient secrets)
+ Find Familiar (book of ancient secrets)
Year of Birth
716 TR 5 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pinkish blue
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Not literate in the common sense, but with Eyes of the Rune Keeper warlock invocation, Galdor can read all writing.

Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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