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Gardiren was the capital of Serelind in the days before the founding of Kaldor by Medrik I. The current structure was started in 130 as a keep and upgraded to a castle by Medrik in 170. It was burned and suffered extensive damage during the Kaldoric Civil War and rebuilt in 403 to its present dimensions.   Gardiren is held by the leonine Earl Hemisen Curo, the “Lion of the North,” who claims descent from the first kings of Serelind and the House of Tane. He donates heavily to the Enclave of the Holy Oak to finance their research and his own passion for genealogy. The earl is married to Meliara Kynn, sister of the Serekela of Kaldor. They have been blessed with eleven healthy children, including twin 19-year-old sons.   The Earl of Neph, 50, is an epicure renowned for the quality of his table. He amazes guests with dishes seasoned with spices from the breadth of Lythia. The earl’s business relationships with importers provide him with valuable intelligence and he is well informed about matters beyond Kaldor’s borders. Earl Curo’s skill at court intrigue is supported by his carefully chosen vassals and an excellent network of informants.   Gardiren’s recent history makes it differ in ways immediately obvious to travelers. A terrible fire in 684 devastated much of the castletown. After a second fire in 702, the earl instituted a number of measures to rebuild the town and prevent another fire. Today, many structures in the castletown are of stone and all have roofs of local slate. There is an especially high number of Jarin residents, many of whom immigrated in 703 when Lorkin fell and the earl was actively seeking craftsmen. The Ilviran church is well favored here and enjoys tax-exempt status.



Industry & Trade

Cattle , Charcoal , Copper , Furs , Grain , Herbs , Horses , Iron , Lead , Linen , Salt , Sheep , Silver , Stone , Tin   Import:
Cattle , Charcoal , Copper , Furs , Grain , Herbs , Horses , Iron , Lead , Linen , Salt , Sheep , Silver , Stone , Tin



Due to numerous historical city fires, the majority of the buildings are made of stone and virtually all buildings are built with a roof of locally mined slate.
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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