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The principal Halfling settlement within the Dwarven Kingdom of Azadmere . Habe sits astride the paved road from the city of Azadmere to Zerhun and guards the ancient Gazhar Bridge across the diminutive Idain River. The fief has been held by the dwarven Clan Kophar for almost 600 years. The surrounding croplands and pastures are the main source of food to the underground dwarves. The fief enjoys a high degree of independence under the rule of Baron Kophar, a halfling trusted and respected by King Hazmadul III of Azadmere. Foreigners are rarely permitted to approach closer to Azadmere than Habe.  
Realm: Azadmere
Holder: Baron Kophar
Population: 250
Liege: King of Azadmere
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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