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Mask of Many Faces

School: Illusion   Action: You make yourself look different until the spell ends until you use a bonus action to remove the mask. The mask is not visible for the duration of the effect, but your clothing and belongings do NOT change in appearance. You can’t change your body type, so you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs. The mask also does not change your voice. A performance or deception check must be made to successfully mimic another's voice.   Duration: 1 hour <concentration>   Detection: The changes wrought by this spell do hold up to physical inspection, except for touches to the face, which can detect the invisible mask. Suspicious characters may make a DC 13 Arcana, Insight or Investigation check to determine if something is off. The mask does not change language or voice. The mask wearer may make a performance check vs. perception (hearing) check to mimic a known voice.

Charges: 1; Recharges each long rest   Attunement: Long rest to attune. During attunement, the mask requires a sympathetic object, such as hair or a drop of blood from the 'subject' of the illusion. The sympathetic object is not consumed during attunement, so it could be re-used multiple times. The mask can only 'hold' one such sympathy at a time. Removing the mask removes the attunement.  

Item type
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Harn - Who
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Harn - How
Harn - What


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