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Tulath Kaphin

Sheriff Tulath Kaphin


The shiremoot (county seat) of Vemionshire was built in the first century by the early Jarin kingdom of Arwn and rebuilt in 250.   Sir Tulath Kaphin was appointed Sheriff two years ago to the disappointment of many local nobles who felt better qualified. He is the unacknowledged youngest bastard son of King Miginath by the mysterious Lady Erila Kaphin. Charming and optimistic, Sir Tulath, 24, lives extravagantly and is deep in debt to Danzys of Cuke, a local mercantyler. The sheriff firmly believes he will one day be king and his debts will then be paid by the Royal Treasury.   The sheriff considers Danzys of Cuke a friend and seeks his counsel in economic matters. This deepens the resentment of local nobles, especially those opposed to the growing influence of the merchant class. Sir Tulath is married to Lady Elana Verdreth, middle daughter of the Baron of Ternua. His father-in-law cannot tolerate “the lad’s shallowness and relentless opportunism.” His family prays for Larani to grant him some maturity.

  The grumblings of his in-laws and protestations of the local gentry are unlikely to have any effect on his tenure as sheriff. Nonetheless, he has many peers who long to see him fail and few supporters beyond his wife and mother.   Last year’s renovations of the ancient keep’s chapel uncovered a mysterious scroll hidden in a brass tube. The arcanist hired to decipher it was charged with secrecy, but already rumors have surfaced of a lost Arwn royal treasure. Any treasure in the keep belongs to the king, so the impoverished sheriff is desperate to keep the discovery secret. He recently imprisoned the arcanist on a charge of “betraying the king’s peace.”


Tulath Kaphin


Towards Elana Kaphin


Elana Kaphin


Towards Tulath Kaphin


Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
696 TR 25 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
unacknowledged illegitimate son of king
Elana Kaphin (wife)
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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