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Tyrnal Dariune

Rekela Tyrnal Dariune

Cholas is the seat of the Rekela (Bishop) of Kephrus, a diocese that includes the barbarian-infested Chelmarch. The diocese’s abbeys are well established and wealthy. Rekela Dariune is a second cousin of the Earl of Balim and a close confidant and supporter. Bishop Dariune joined the Church at a young age. His clan’s wealth and power and the support of his mentor, Serekela Kynn, ensured his swift promotion.   Rekela Dariune was appointed in 709 to replace his corrupt predecessor. He is also the Bailiff of Cholas Hundred. Plaintiffs who tithe generously to the church generally find Bailiff Dariune’s decisions satisfactory. The Bishop is grooming Bishop Dariune as his replacement. This disgusts Bishop Hadan of Abriel, who abhors Bishop Dariune’s lack of interest in theology and taste for political power. Bishop Dariune is polite to Bishop Hadan but privately considers him a liability who should be removed from office.   Bishop Dariune is a strong supporter of the Order of the Lady of Paladins. He is a generous patron of Vadan chapter house, commanded by Reblena Mulron Charyn. The Vadan Guard comprises 10 knights and 20 light foot and spends much of the summer at Swune, helping patrol the Salt Route. This has earned the Bishop the appreciation and respect of Sheriff Conwan Elendsa, and the Deputy Warden of Chelmarch, Korus Ynel.

  The Bishop makes a circuit of all of his abbeys at least once a year. He is also a frequent guest at the royal court in Tashal, the sheriff’s court in Querina, and his cousin’s court in Kiban.   The Bishop’s political acumen and charm are well known and respected but he has made numerous enemies. He has survived three assassination attempts in the last two years. His personal guard has been doubled but efforts to discover who was behind these attacks have proven fruitless. The Earl of Kiban has offered a bounty of £100 for information leading to an arrest.


Family Ties

Powerful member of the Dariune Clan.

Social Aptitude

Known for political acumen and charm.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Bailiff of Cholas Hundred
Rekela (bishop) of Larani diocese Kephrus
Year of Birth
672 TR 49 Years old
Ruled Locations
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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