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Uldien (K5)

Uldien is a quiet, scenic frontier town at the confluence of the Nephen and Selene rivers. It is an important center of fur trading and trappers journey up the Selene and Nephen rivers in search of fox, beaver, mink, ermine, and otter pelts.   The present keep is of relatively recent origin, built in 569 atop a Jarin hillfort, which itself replaced a Khuzan Kyg. Baron Karsin Ubael is married to Lady Serli Firith, niece of the King and sister to the Baron of Kobing. Her twin sister, Lenera, is the Suloran (Mistress of Archives) at Caleme Abbey and her younger brother, Asorn, is the Lord Advocate of Kaldor. Although not one of Kaldor’s wealthiest noble families, the baron’s two surviving children have distant claims to the throne. A devoted family man, Sir Karsin is a model of chivalry and is much loved by the king.   Sir Karsin’s father died mysteriously 11 years ago after leaving early one morning with two companions armed for battle; the reason for their journey was not given. They crossed the river in a small boat and disappeared into the fens to the southeast. His body was found a month later stripped of armour and clothing. The companions were never found.   Sir Karsin’s younger brother Belsin is a wellknown explorer. He has been to most major ports around the Venarian Sea and to Hepekeria and beyond. Despite a shipwreck that ended his 717 expedition to Arlanto, he is ready to set forth again, this time from Thay to seek the fabled gold mines of Anzeloria.



Industry & Trade

Market 1


1270 acres
1.09 land quality
57 households

Outpost / Base
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
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Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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