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Ubael Clan

Clan Ubael were supporters of Fierth during the Kaldoric Civil War. Upon the successful defeat of Aidrik II, Sir Remnar Ubael was a vassal, swearing allegiance to Earl Qywald Dariune of Kiban. Forty years later, Sir Ubael followed the lead of his liege and welcomed the restoration of Aidrik III, retaining his manorial lands and status.   During the Baronial Revolt, Clan Ubael served Earl Alessa Dariune faithfully. Sir Basca Ubael was rewarded with the Barony of Uldien, captured from the Earl of Osel, swearing allegiance to Earl Dariune of Balim.   The current Baron, Karsin Ubael, is married to Lady Serli Firith, sister to the Baron of Kobe and niece of King Miginath. He is a devoted family man, taking great pride in his children and seeing to the needs of his various cousins. He gets along notably well with the king and his liege, Earl Troda Dariune.   Lady Serli is an active participant in the management of the clan's estates, some might suggest too active. Something of a busybody, she will often work herself to exhaustion over a project or event.   The Baron has a daughter, Maid Serli, and a son, Karsin, aged 15 and 13 respectively. Maid Serli is a somewhat ambitious, strong minded girl. Noting that she is related to too many of Kaldor’s nobles, she wishes to travel to Melderyn to find a suitable husband. Her brother Karsin is quieter, almost painfully shy, though when he is drawn out he is a notably keen observer and has a sharp wit.   Baron Karsin’s younger brother, Belsin, is a noted explorer. In 717, he was shipwrecked traveling to the Venarian Sea. His cousin, Ferin, died in the shipwreck. Ferin’s wife, Colonia, remains quite bitter about Ferin’s death. Since Colonia is also the sister of the Earl of Vemion, this has caused a small rift with Clan Caldeth. Colonia has returned to Vemionshire, and her sons are knights of Larani at Myshtas manor by arrangement of Earl Caldeth. Belsin now lives in Thay preparing for a journey to far off Anzeloria.   Indial Ubael is the Bailiff of Trelid Manor. He spends an inordinate amount of time trying to find out what happened to his uncle, Baron Konin, 11 years ago. The Baron left Uldien keep one morning with two companions armed for battle. They did not say where they were going and did not return. The Baron was found dead a month later without possessions. Neither companion was ever seen again. Badil Ubael died of wounds suffered in a Kath ambush, while Alven Ubael died of the pox. Both their wives and children reside in Uldien at the Baron’s expense.   Jethris Ubael resides in Tashal as the Royal Master of Squires. After seeing his brother Badil die in a Kath ambush, Jethris is reluctant to travel outside of Tashal without adequate protection. That protection is readily provided by the king’s guard when Jethris travels as part of the royal entourage. He does a fine job with the squires, weeding out those youngsters who are destined to be troublemakers and favoring those willing to work hard and learn.

To the final drop of blood

Political, Family
Leader Title
Family Leader
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Great clans of Kaldor:
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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