City of Azadmere

The great Khuzan fortress city of Azadmere is the major city of the Kingdom of Azadmere and seat of the ruling clan Tarazakh. It is an impressive walled city with a moat, stout double walls, and prominent round towers. As is the custom with the Khuzadul, extensive chambers and passages have been carved into the living rock of the mountain. Very few humans have seen the spacious halls within, those who have never forget the majesty of those halls. Most of the Khuzadul reside in this inner city, while human citizens live in the outer city or in nearby villages.

View from

Azadmere City, the View From Outside Zerhun Gate by Richard Luschek

The towers of Khir Azhain stand among the large granite outcrops at the cliff ’s summit, known as “the Knives.”


4,100 Khuzdul and 1,800 Jarin Humans


Feudal Monarchy


Azadmere boasts the finest and most impressive defenses on Hârn. Double walled construction, round towers, and a moat surround the city. Despite the protection afforded by the stout defenses, the Khuzdul are not lax, the Royal Guard maintain a vigorous and vigilent watch, their unofficial motto is; “Remember Kiraz.”

Industry & Trade

All guilded crafts are represented, however there are certain crafts Dwarves excel at including; Engineering, Locksmithing, Jewelcraft, Metalsmithing, Pottery, Toycrafting, Weaponcrafting, Woodcrafting.


The city is very well engineered with excellent sewer system and access to clean water.  It is a clean and healthy city.


The city has two formal districts, the Outer City and Inner City and third informal one that outside the side the city gates.
  The Outer City has broad avenues lined with stone buildings with slate roofs. Regular street sweeping, efficient sewers, and areas of greenery make it a pleasant place to live. The imposing city walls and broad moat are the most formidable on Hârn. With the walls and streets patrolled and protected by units of the Royal Guard. The Outer City is devoted primarily to the workshops of the various trades and crafts. Both Jarin and Khuzdul work in the Outer City, and the district is a hive of activity during the day. At sundown, most of the Khuzdul retire to their clanhomes in the Inner City, leaving the streets to the Jarin. Around 1,250 Jarin and 100 Khuzdul live here in multi-family residences.
  The Inner City is carved into the face of the cliff and delves deep into the mountain. Around 4,000 Khuzdul live in clanhomes in the Inner City, although most work in the Outer City. The clanhomes of the Tarazakh, Hurenfal, and Kuhrdin are just inside the cliff wall overlooking the Outer City, with the offices of the royal government adjoining the Tarazakh halls. Other clans have residences further inside the mountain. Many interior clanhomes are built alongside the Great Tunnel that leads to the Hall of the Godstone at the heart of the mountain.
  The small fishing village Taniz stands outside the gates of Azadmere City and is informally its third district. The village is the largest human community in the kingdom. Compared to the ordered, carefully groomed Outer City, it is relaxed, loosely organized, and distinctly human.

Guilds and Factions

The various crafts of the city are dominated by clans historically associated with those activities and act as de facto guilds.


The underground portion, now known as the Inner City, was founded in 6894 BT by the Thazhain nation of the Khuzdul. In 1168 BT, the first Jarin arrived in the kingdom. Seeing that the humans had a tradition of agriculture and fishing, activities the Khuzdul disliked, the King of Azadmere allowed a few clans to settle along the shores of Lake Arain. As the Khuzan population expanded, an Outer City gradually formed outside the mountain. Many of its core buildings predate the Jarin, but as trade increased with the local Jarin and the Lowland kingdoms, more clans built shops there. The city’s current appearance dates to the completion of the outer walls in 780 BT.


Classic Khuzan design.


The city is built high in the Sorkin Mountains, along the shore of Lake Arain, hemmed against Mt. Zaduryn.


Temperate with cool summers and harsh winters.

City Map of Azadmere by Columbia Games Inc.

Founding Date
6894 BT
5900 Souls
Inhabitant Demonym

Cover image: HarnWorld Caravan by Columbia Games, Richard Luschek


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