Khuzadul, Dwarves of Hârn

The Khuzadul or Dwarves of Hârn bear a general resemblance to humans, but are short stocky, broad shouldered, muscular, with stout legs and have disproportionate strength and resilience for their size. Most mature males bear impressive, well tended beards that are often braided and decorated with jewelry.
  The majority of Dwarves dwell in the Kingdom of Azadmere which is governed by the royal Clan Tarazakh, whose head is King Hazmadul III, supported by two large retainer clans, Kuhrdin and Hurenfal, who comprise the bulk of the Khuzan army and the Royal Guard.
  Unlike other subterranean dwellers, the Khuzdul maintain spacious, clean, and well-lit and ventilated underground abodes. The few outsiders who have seen the inner halls of have never forgotten their majesty. The Khuzdul are unrivaled masons and their architecture utilizes the natural beauty of the living rock from which it is hewn. Most Khuzan have a natural affinity for certain crafts and skills with their clans specializing in a particular craft such as weaponcrafting, jewelcraft, engineering, mining, or smithing, skills in which they are supremely competent.
  Dwarves bury their dead in stone crypts whenever possible and their embalmers are master masons. If necessary, they will cremate their dead and transport them to crypt for late burial rather than simply bury them in the earth.
  The Khuzdul rarely teach their language to outsiders. When they trade with others, they speak only the language of their customers. Some Dwarves practice animal husbandry, but most do not enjoy agriculture, preferring to obtain agricultural foodstuffs through the trade of their finely wrought artifacts. The cropland and pastures around Azadmere are worked by their human Jarin allies who, while acknowledging the rule of Hazmadul III, are accorded a large degree of autonomy. Specialty products and foodstuffs such as silk and spices are imported from Kaldor via The Silver Way.
  The Khuzdul resent the Sindar (Elves), whom they believe betrayed them in the fight to pushback the waves of barbrian migration known as the Atani Wars and how the elves failed to assist them during the Tyranny of Lothrim and subsequent Carnage of Kiraz, the Khuzadul have yet to forgive these slights. The Khuzan loathe Gargun and will kill them on-sight; since Azadmere is surrounded by orcish tribes, there is constant skirmishing between them. The Khuzdul tend to treat humans with polite coolness until a long association has proven the human is honorable. A few Khuzdul have settled outside Azadmere for trade and profit but are often the butt of human jokes and prejudice. A dwarf cannot be subjugated; it is said that a dwarf enslaved will wither and die within a few months.
  The Khuzan army the the Royal Guard are all infantry, Dwarves do not fight while mounted. Due to their disproportionate stength and endurance, and mastery of weaponcraft, almost all Khuzdul infantry combine heavy armour with heavy weapons, preferring the two handed battle axe or halbred, their super-heavy infantry is highly disciplined, well trained and drilled and highly regarded. While some clans specialize in military service, all Khuzan males and many females have some skill in arms and most can, in a pinch, serve in a military capacity.

Basic Information


Dwarves or di-morphic divided into two sexes male and female, similar to humans.

Genetics and Reproduction

There are far more Khuzan males than females, a three to one ratio, which means most males go unmarried. Dwarves who do marry, reproduce slowly, having only two to three offspring during their life times, most of which are male.

Growth Rate & Stages

Since most Khuzan have long lifespans, their adolescence tends to be between forty and fifty years before they are considerd adults.  Younger Khuzan are most likely to have wander lust, and those are the ones most often encountered outside of Azadmere.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves prefer living in mountainous regions in spacious, clean well-lit and ventilated underground dwellings carved from stone.  They do build above ground dwellings, workshops, and fortifications, but their preference is to have cavern roof over their heads.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Khuzan are omnivous, their diet is as varied as most humans, they have a particular affinity for fungi which they grow in large underground farms.


It is said that the Khuzdul are as solid and resilient as the mountains with which they have such affinity. Dwarves are generally resereved with outsiders, keeping their own council.  They can be stubborn beyond reason once their minds are set. Among humans, the Khuzdul have a reputation for being secretive, acquisitive, and jealous. They are master traders and drive hard bargains. Some humans interpret these traits as greed, but the Khuzdul see frugality as a virtue.  Dwarves hold personal and clan honor in the highest esteem.  Dwarves rarely forget friend or foe and woe to those labeled as enemies of the Dwarves, rarer still is forgiveness for past transgression. A rare accolade is to be labeled, 'Dwarf Friend', which is considered a very high honor bestowed on those who have shown honor and performed a valuable service for a Dwarf clan. A Dwarf friend can expect a warm welcome and support by all Dwarves they encounter.  The Khuzdul rarely teach their language to outsiders. When they trade with others, they speak only the language of their customers.  Dwarves will stick to their bargains and will respect those who do the same.  While appearing taciturn and dour with most outsiders, the Khuzan are a merry and friendly people amongst their own kind and trusted frends.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Khuzan are organized into clans generally centered around a traditional craft.

Facial characteristics

Males tend to have heavy brow ridges, prominent noses and heavy facial hear in the form of beards which they take great care of.
Females tend to be similar to the males with smoother features and lack facial hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The majority of Khuzan on Hârn reside within the Kingdom of Azadmere. However, dwarven engineers, hunters, merchants, wanderers and outcasts can be found throughout the expanse of Hârn.

Average Intelligence

Human Equivalent

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Khuzan cannot see in the dark, however they are adapted to see better in dim light and at night than humans. They have a good sense of smell and are able to sniff out certain types of minerals and metals. They have excellent direction sense underground able to navigate successfully by following 'their noses'. They have human average hearing and vocal ranges.
  Khuzan tend to be magic and psionically dull, with few having the gift. Of those with magical talent most tend to gravitate towards the Jmorvi convocation.

It is unknown exactly how the Khuzan people arrived on Hârn, however they have been present for over 7000 years.
200-300 Years
Average Height
4'-5' (1.2-1.5m) Males & Females
Average Weight
Males 150-200#, (68-90kg), 10-15 Stone, Females 125#-150#, (56-68kg), 8-11 Stone
Average Physique
Khuzan males are stocky, broad shouldered, muscular with stout legs and have disproportionate strength and resilience for their size.
Khuzan females have much the same physique as their male counter-parts.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin tone ranges from pale and florid to weather beaten with a working tan.

Cover image: HarnWorld Caravan by Columbia Games, Richard Luschek


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