Kingdom of Azadmere

Location: Sorkin Mountains, Eastern Hârn
Atlas Map: L4
Government: Monarchy
Current Ruler: King Hazmadul III, Clan Tarazakh
Culture: Khuzadul/Feudal
Population: 11,000 (4,800 Khuzdul, 6,200 Human)
Royal Seat: City of Azadmere (pop. 4,100 Khuzdul, 1,800 Human)

Azadmere is the only remaining kingdom of the Khuzadul / Dwarves on Hârn. Located high in the Sorkin Mountains of eastern Hârn, the kingdom is centered on the city of Azadmere and includes the mountains surrounding Lake Arain. Founded more than 7,000 years ago, it is now ruled by King Hazmadul III of Clan Tarazakh.
  The capital city of Azadmere is an impressive walled settlement with a moat, stout double walls, and prominent towers. The Outer City lies between Lake Arain and a massive cliff at the foot of Mount Zaduryn. The workshops of most of the city’s craftsmen are located here, as are the homes of its human residents. The Inner City is carved into the solid rock of the mountain. Its extensive chambers and passages are home to Khuzdul, many of whom work in the Outer City. Very few humans are permitted access to the Inner City. Tunnels from the Inner City lead to numerous mines and to the Godstone that sits at the heart of the mountain.
  The kingdom’s culture is a unique hybrid of Khuzan and human customs. While almost all Khuzdul reside in the city, the human population is centered around the settlement of Habe and the manors that provide much of the kingdom’s food. King Hazmadul’s chief human vassal, Baron Gyndael Kophar, rules with little interference from the king.
  With its high altitude and poor soil unsuitable for growing wheat, the kingdom supplements its crops with grain from Kaldor. It also imports fine linen, spices, and some luxury items. In return, Azadmere’s primary exports are weapons and armour, gems and jewelry, and artifacts of silver and gold.
  The Khuzdul have an irreconcilable enmity for the Gargun that infest the surrounding mountains. The city is surrouned by hostile Gargun settlements so in addition to the stout city walls and towers of Azadmere's defences, access to the city is further protected by the great barbican of Zerhun and a ring of smaller fortresses strategically placed to guard the mountain passes.


Azadmere is a feudal Kingdom with a King and ten major royal clans. One of these being Clan Kophar, held by the Jarin human allies of the Dwarves.

Demography and Population

4800 Khuzan
6200 Humans


Azadmere is located in a valley in the Sorkin Mountains.


The Khuzadul have some of the strongest best equipped heavy infantry on all of Hârn.  The low-guard consists of several companies infantry responsible for manning various outposts and forts infantry spread around the kingdom.  The high-guard are posted to Zerhun under the command of the crown prince.  The royal-guard are assigned to the inner city.  All Khuzan individuals men and women recieve some military training.
  Azadmere's human Jarin subjects some infantry and several companies of light cavalry who act as scouts, skirmishers, and flank protection.


Most dwarves worship Siem.

Foreign Relations

Azadmere has cordial relations with the Kingdom of Kaldor.
Relations with Melderyn are good, the current King Chunel visited Azadmere when he was crown prince.
Relations with the Sindar of Evael are hostile, elves are not welcome in Azadmere.
Azadmere has almost no relations with other polities on Hârn.


The body of common law used in Azadmere is known as the King’s Law, a mixture of the vendetta system, traditional Jarin Trehaen Law, and elements of lowland feudal law. Most disputes are handled internally by each clan, whether Khuzadul or human.

Agriculture & Industry

The Khuzan do not like agriculture and prefer hunting and animal husbandry.  They rely on their human Jarin subjects to perform planting and harvesting. The various Khuzan clans perform the full range of crafts, but they excel at mining, metalcraft, jewelcraft, weaponcraft, engineering, and construction.

Motto of Clan Tarazakh: "There is no invulnerability."

Boarders of the Kingdom of Azadmere by Columbia Games

Kingdom of Azadmere home to Hârn's dwarves.
Zerhun, the great Khuzan barbican, terminus of the Silver Way and seat of the Crown Prince of Azadmere. The fortress guards the southern entrance to the Kingdom of Azadmere.
Founding Date
Approximately, 6700BT
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Khuzan silver penny and gold crowns.
Legislative Body
King and privy council.
Judicial Body
Law is administered in the city by justiciars and elsewhere by circuit court judges. Final appeal is to the King’s Court, which is mandatory when the death penalty is imposed.
Neighboring Nations

Cover image: Vector Frise 10 by TaanariDecor
Character flag image: by Columbia Games Inc


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