Royal Chelebin Tournament of Chivalry

In 662 TR, the Kingdom Of Kaldor's Queen Chelebin III inaugurated Hârn’s largest chivalric tournament, the Royal Chelebin Tournament of Chivalry. The tournament is held every mid-summer in Olokand and draws hundreds of contestants, mostly young knights of Kaldor eager to test their mettle on the field of honor. It is also an opportunity for people of rank to hob-nob, gossip, scheme, celebrate, gamble, and make deals.
  The foundation of a rival fair in Olokand has always irritated the guilds of Tashal. There is great rivalry between the two fairs. While most nobles revel in Olokand at the Royal Chelebin Tourney, most mercantylers prefer Tashal.
  Contestants engage in various martial events including; archery, foot combat, group combat, horsemanship, and jousting. Contestants compete for points in each category, with jousting points worth double, the overall winner is a person who earns more points than all other contestants. In addition to a large money prize, the winner earns respect and bragging rights amongst his peers.
  Gambling on outcomes of various indvidual events and the overall winner is common. Bets can range from a few coins to outrageous sums, often times paid for with the losers armour, horse, saddle and tack or weapons. Brawling is known to occur among sore losers who are often drunk. Maimings and murders have resulted but most refrain due to the sevre consequnces to one's reputation, estate, and possible execution.
The Good & the Bad:
The tournament's good points are a meeting place for the nobility to practice and hone their combat skills. The downside is that sevre injuris and deaths can occur during the contests. Being abrubtly flung off a galloping horse and landing on one's back is generally a painful experience.

Tournament Fool:
There is an unofficial award known as the Tournament Fool.  Fool events include various silly contests; eating the most, drinking the most w/o passing out, best dancer, best singer, shin kicking, barrell rolling, greased pig catch, chicken chase, most often while drunk.  The winner is declared by general consent of the crowd and is crowned in a garland and marched around the tournament backwards on an ass.  The award is considered to be good fun and the winner is lauded with cheers, claps on the back, and general good will.


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