Kingdom Of Kaldor

Location: Eastern Central Harn, Kald River Plains
Government: Monarchy
Current Ruler: King Miganath Elendsa, Elendsa Clan
Culture: Human / Feudal
Population: 105,000
Royal Seat: City of Tashal

Kaldor is a large feudal realm in Hârn’s eastern-central interior ruled by King Miginath from his royal castle in the city of Tashal. Founded more than five centuries ago (188TR), Kaldor has had minimal external threats but internal strife has been common, notably the Kaldoric Civil War (362–377TR) and Baronial Revolt (599–603TH). Both conflicts were the result of the tendency for Kaldoric kings to draw too much power into their own hands at the expense of the barons. The most recent dynasty, the House of Elendsa, was founded in 603 and has encouraged a return to time-honored principles of feudalism and chivalry while maintaining growing a tradition of unified royal justice.
  The name is also used for the region of the middle Kald River watershed, which lies roughly between the Sorkin and Felsha mountains. The natural vegetation is mostly mixed woodland and forest and there are large tracts of cropland and pasture. Most of the region is alluvial plains but there are several hilly districts, notably the Kathela Hills and the Upper Osel. Most Hârnians using the name Kaldor mean the kingdom, not the region.
  The reigning monarch, King Miginath Elendsa, was 41 when he succeeded his father (Torastra) in 693TR. He has always been sickly, and his imminent death from any of numerous ailments has been predicted yearly. After 27 years, the aged king continues to baffle his subjects simply by getting up each morning. He has never married, leaving the succession a matter of contention between two or three bastard sons and a score of nieces and nephews.
  Although the region is culturally dominated by the Kingdom of Kaldor, it is home to several tribal nations that range back and forth across the realm’s ambiguous borders. Although Kaldor has assimilated large numbers of tribesmen since its foundation in 188TR, many of the lands claimed by its kings and nobility are actually controlled by the Chelni, Kath, Pagaelin, and Taelda nations. By avoiding open battle, these hardy tribesmen have been able to withstand intermittent Kaldoric attempts at conquest.
  The lands of the kingdom’s south and west are lightly settled and administered as the military districts of Oselmarch and Chelmarch. In the west, Chelni and Kath lands are crossed by the Salt Route and include some fertile Kald bottomland. Kaldor has a token presence at Trobridge Inn but only because the Chelni allow it to survive. The southern Oselmarch lies within Pagaelin territory. It has a high proportion of grassy, open woodland, giving it higher agricultural potential. The region is crossed by the Genin Trail and subject to Pagaelin raids.
  Beyond the Pagaelin territory lies small but rich Chybisa, a kingdom to which Kaldor occasionally asserts a claim. While the kingdom is not entirely safe from her barbaric neighbors, pacification of surrounding land continues. Relations with the tribes are not always warlike; a few hardy miners, trappers, and explorers venture in the wilderness, and tribesmen are a common sight in border settlements.


The Kingdom of Kaldor is a feudal monarchy, consisting of sixteen major clans.  The current ruling clan, the Eldensa's, came to power in 603TR.

Public Agenda

Kaldor's king seeks stabiity and has stayed on the throne for 27 years by carefully doling out royal offices and favors and courting allies and rivals alike with strategic marriages. The royal bureaucracy is an exercise in nepotism, and the jockeying for political favors is a matter of constant intrigue, although only rarely is violence resorted to, and then often in a manner that can be denied later.
  Further he has sought to keep the lands of his tenants-in-chief scattered throughout the kingdom. This reduces the nobility's ability to rebel, since their bases of power are isolated from each other.
  He has also sought to expand the role of the royal courts and laws to dilute local lords power and create a more consistent judicary.
  The King seeks to increase trade within and without by ensuring taxes are reasonable and trade routes are safe for merchant travel.
  He seeks to expand Kaldor's borders through the slow pacification of nearby tribal lands and ensure the steady development of the Oselmarch and Chelmarch regions with the long-term goal of turning them into Shires.
  He continues to press Kaldor's claim on the Kingdom of Chybisa to justify any future reconquista.


Kaldor is rich and fertile, blessed with an abundance of natural resources and her demenses generally produce surpluses. Larger settlements like Tashal City and Kiban create demand for all commodities. Mercantile trade occurs during regular fairs, with combination of local goods and imports provided by caravan merchants. Tashal is noted for its Great Summer Fair where caravans from all over Harn converge to exchange goods.
  Rich in timber resources, which are harvested everywhere and traded mainly in local markets. Commodities like beer and cider which are produced locally, Kaldor also produces some wine, but imports wines from other regions, someteims as far away as Lythia. Kaldor's main exports are grain, vellum, and fine woolen cloths.
  All mineral resources are owned by the crown and extracted by the Miner's Guild under licence. Stone quarries and salt mines are held by the local lord.


Please go to History of Kaldor to see a detailed timeline.

Demography and Population

The population numbers 100,000+ souls; most live in the Kald river valley.
  The Majority of Kaldorians are Hârnian, although many settlements have strong Jarin roots.
  In recent years Ivinians have begun immigrating from the Kingdom of Orbaal, however numbers are not large.


Kaldor is a traditional feudal kingdom with lands held by tenants-in-chief. The kingdom is divided into seven Shires, two Marches, and four bishoprics.
The royal demenses contain six royal baronies, and the City of Tashal.
  Earldom of Neph with 2 baronies and 3 vassal baronies.
  Earldom of Balim with 4 baronies and 2 vassal baronies.
  Earldom of Vermion with 3 baronies and 1 vassal barony.
  Earldom of Osel with 2 baronies and 1 vassal barony.
  4 independent baronies.
  The Church of Larani (Order of the Spear of Shattered Sorrow) has five large baronies.


The King's Royal Guard is composed of four squadrons of knights (High Guard) and four companies of medium foot (Low Guard).  When the King travels the high guard and two companies of the low guard travel with him and two companies of the low guard remain as a garrison of Caer Elend in Tashal.
  The can call upon a large feudal levy consists of knights and yeomen who hold lands in exchange for military service.
  All major settlements have a permanent garrison of lightfoot, with some wealthy lords having medium foot or long bow men.
  Oselmarch and Chelmarch, each of which has a small standing army.
  Fighting Order of the Lady of Paladins with chapter-houses throughout the Kingdom and on many on lands held from the Laranian Church.


Kaldor is dominated by the churches of Larani and Peoni which enjoy tax-exempt status. The Church of Larani is popular among the ruling classes and wields considerable political power in its own right, holding five large baronies.
  The Church of Peoni has little political power, but can bring significant influence to bear when it needs to.
  Save-K’nor has some subtle political influence but is not a well attended religion by the nobility.
  Sarajinism has few followers and is viewed with some suspicion by Kaldorians, it is mostly practiced by traders and immigrants from the Kingdom of Orbaal.
  Halea has a few very rich worshipers, and is becoming more popular among the Guilded craft and merchant class.
  Worship of Ilivir is disorganised, and while not illegal it is not encouraged, it tends to be practiced by those in rural areas with a Jarin ancestry.
  Worship of Agrik, Morgath, and Naveh is proscribed and the practice of these religions is punishable by death.

Foreign Relations

Kingdom of Azadmere - Good, however, the Khuzan keep themselves mainly to themselves.
  Kingdom of Melderyn - Good, a trading partner. However, Melderyn as potential claim on Chybisa.
  Kingdom of Chybisa - Tense, Kaldor claims this small kingdom as break away region.
  Thardic Republic -  Complex, The Republic is a valuable trade partner but they are unpredictable and have a competing claim to the Trobridge Inn.
  Kingdom of Rethem - No contact, Rethem is too far away and to focused on it own issues.   Kingdom of Evael - None, the Sindar ignore everyone.
  Kingdom of Kanday - Good, although too distant to have much influence.
  Kingdom of Orbaal - A source of useful mercenaries but also a potential threat should a raiding party decide to march south.


Hârnic Law follows a feudal model, with local lords dispensing justice in their own demense's.  However, the King has been pushing for the implementation of more royal courts and laws.

Agriculture & Industry

Kaldor is rich and fertile and blessed with an abundance of natural resources, the main industry is of course agriculture. The three field crop rotational system is most widely used, though some rare innovators have started to use the more complex Melderyni four field system. Wooden plows are most widely used but mould board and some heavy iron ploughs can be found. Grain production is good with surplus grain being exported.
  Animal husbandry is practiced especially sheep to produce wool for the weaving and dying industry. Sheep's milk is also used to make cheeses which are part of every peasants diet. In addition to cows and oxen, Kaldor also produces some very fine horses, trading with the Chelni every year in Jedes.
  Kaldor produces some very fine wool fabrics, vellum, and sheep's leather which is used for fine fashion like gloves.
  There is mining in salt, tin, copper, gold, silver, and other minerals.
  The nobility enjoys hunting and Kaldor's forests have plentiful game.

Trade & Transport

Kaldor's central location in eastern Harn, makes it a hub of trade, with four trade routes converging on Tashal for The Great Fair, via the Salt Route, The Genin Trail, the Silver Way, and The Fur Road.
  However, overland trade is dangerous and difficult and most travel for trade purposes is undertaken in large well armed caravans at specific times of the year. The King has sought to encourge trade by ordering periodic patrols of royal roads.
  There is some riverine travel along the Kald, Neph, and Shem rivers.
Kaldor Poetic Map
Founding Date
188 TR
Training Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Silver dram aka pence
Major Exports
Kaldor exports grain, wool fabric, sheep's leather, vellum, and exotic goods from other places on Hârn to Azadmere, Melderyn, Orbaal, and Thards. Kaldor is also the market place for fine Khuzan goods sent to other regions accross Hârn.
Major Imports
Kaldor imports weapons, toys, mechanical curiosities, gold and high quality steel from the Khuzdul in Azadmere.
  From Tharda, Kaldor imports Salt, Brassware, Perfumes, Dyes, Marble and Statuary, pickled and salted Fish.
  From Melderyn, Kaldor imports exotic goods from Lythia, wines, spices, perfumes, silk fabric, jewelry.
  From Orbaal, Kaldor sees furs and amber.
Legislative Body
Privy Council
Judicial Body
Royal Courts are administrated by the seven Sheriffs of the Realm and the two Wardens in the Marches on behalf of the Crown.
Neighboring Nations

Cover image: Kaldor Boundary by Attacus


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