City of Tashal (Tah-sh'ahl)

Tashal is the largest city in the Kingdom Of Kaldor and the second largest on Hârn, after Coranan. Constructed almost entirely of local granite and oak and shingled with weathered gray cedar shakes, the “Grey Lady of the Kald” is appreciated more for its political and commercial significance than beauty. Beneath the city run an extensive series tunnels and sewers of ancient origin.


The city of Tashal is home to approximately 11,000 souls. The number nearly doubles in summer during The Great Fair. There are also a larger than average number of nobles present due to Tashal being the capital of Kaldor.


Tashal is not a freetown, it is a royal city governed by the monarch. King Miganath manages affairs indirectly but ensures that his Privy Council keeps a tight grip on the city's government. The town's day to day affairs are governed by a group of Aldermen appointed by the King. The royal bureaucracy is made up of scores of lesser nobility chosen for their ambition and intelligence. The crown reassigns officers deemed “unhelpful” to less-desirable locations; meaning most courtiers are honest and hardworking.


The city of Tashal is surrounded by a formidable outer stone wall, 25–30 feet high, with guard towers up to 45 feet high at regular intervals along the perimeter. There are four well defended gate houses corrsponding to roughly to the four cardinal directions.
  The city is dominated by Caer Elend, a formidable citadel with five above ground levels. The highest point is the bell tower, nearly 70 feet above the city streets. Caer Elend is the royal castle and principal residence of the King of Kaldor.
  The caer was rebuilt between 605 and 620 and renamed after the current ruling royal house. The caer houses most of the permanent organs of the royal government including the Royal Mint, Chancery, and Treasury. Constable Sir Haldare Venera is loyal to King Miginath and governs the castle in his absence. He commands the castle’s year-round garrison, a company of the Low Guard. The king's guard will also be present in summer or whenever the king is in residence.

Industry & Trade

Tashal is the center of trade in the region. In addition to numerous local trades, some producing very high quility goods, especially woolen cloth which is exported all over Hârn,
  Tashal is the site of the, "The Great Summer Fair" one of the largest trading events on Hârn. Each summer caravans laden with all manner of goods arrive in Tashal from the four corners of Hârn, to trade in all manner of goods, from the basics like grain and woolen cloth, to more exotic items like spices, wines, silk, from as far away as Lythia.
  Four great caravans converge on Tashal between mid-Kelen through mid-Nolus. Some trading begins as soon as the first caravan arrives, but the tax benefits of waiting for the official start of the Summer Fair are significant. Throughout Larane, the influx of traders, guards, teamsters, and guildsmen from across Hârn can double the city’s population.


Tashal is large city located on the river Kald.  Water comes from a series of wells dug around the city.  Tashal has a unique system of underground tunnels, some dating back several millennia. To most Tashalis, the tunnels are just sewers filled with rats, spiced up with a fable or two of demons and man-eating plants.  Kaldor is not particularily clean, but its sewer systems and frequent rains tend to keep the stench down.


Tashalis consider there to be nine informal districts inside the city walls, and two smaller settlements outside the town walls.

Guilds and Factions

All the major guilds of the Mangai have representatives in Tashal. There is the local governement of twelve aldermen. Further, many important nobles have town homes in the city. There are temples dedicated to the non-proscribed religions of Halea, Ilvir, Larani, and Peoni. There are also the Lia-Kevair and other more sinister factions at large in the city.


See History of Kaldor timeline for more details.

Points of interest

Tashal is not noted for it's tourist attractions, however it does have several notable points:
  • Balsa Gate and the Balsa Bridge is the start and terminus of the Salt Route between eastern and western Harn.
  • A large temple of Peoni can be found opposite to Kald Square near Balasa Gate.
  • The Enclave of the Holy Oak of the College of Heralds is located opposite of Balasa Gate.
  • Mangai Square, Tashal’s main marketplace is the focus of commerce year round. It is open from Mornbell to mid-afternoon every day. During the Summer Fair, the market spills is open late into the adjoining streets.
  • A very impressive temple dedicated to the worship of Halea is located along Medrik way.
  • There is a temple dedicated to Larani near Haladan Square in the Haldana district.
  • Weavertown district, is home to most of Tashal’s spinners, weavers, and dyers.
  • The Great Summer Fair when in season.


The city is not known for it's architectural beauty. The city's buildings are solidly constructed of local granite and oak, shingled in cedar shakes which turn grey as they weather, hence the city's nickname; "The Grey Lady of the Kald."


The climate is temperate, like the rest of Hârn.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Grey Lady of the Kald
11,000+ Souls
Inhabitant Demonym
Characters in Location


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