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Yaabi (YAR-bee)

Sister Story, The Ancestor's Tale

The keeper of stories and the memory of those who have passed, Yaabi is a weaver of dreams and a guardian of souls in the Carneman pantheon. A daughter of Elatabe and Boyomanka, Yaabi has always been a reclusive member of the ceti, preferring to lose herself in her own imagination than to interact with the rest of her family. Her passion is for stories of all kinds and she especially loves hearing the life stories of mortal spirits as they pass through the Procession of Souls. She commits every story she hears to memory before instructing her arachnid companions to record them in writing for posterity. To the Carneman islanders, she is the preserver of their ancestor's memory and their achievements, and they believe that the dreams she sends them are living echoes of their distant relatives lives.

Divine Domains

Dreams, family, glyph, knowledge, soul, vigil

Holy Books & Codes

Practically any piece of writing or script is holy to Yaabi, but she particularly prizes historical records, chronicles, and books of fables and folklore. There are only a few books that are specifically dedicated to Yaabi. The most widely known Yaabian holy book is the Writ Panegyric, a collection of parables and fables supposed to be Yaabi's favourite, which include parables on appropraite ways to preserve and honour the memory of the dead.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Yaabi's most oft seen sigil is known as the woven dreamer. It shows a spider weaving the long hair of a sleeping young woman into a pattern or image above her head, as is commonly worn by Yaabian devotees, or emblazoned in a place of prominence in a graveyard or shrine to the dead. The most common totem of Yaabi is the dream web, which can be found above almost every bed or cot in Nawaquivo. A circular frame is woven with thread in a facsimile of a spider's web, and many Nawaquivoan's believe they attract and catch the gossamer clouds of good dreams and ward away nightmares.   Both spiders and dogs are sacred to Yaabi's faith. Spider webs are thought to act as foci for the dreams that her arachnid-like servitors spin into being and set adrift in the ethereal plane. Dogs are believed to be Yaabi's guardians and wardens who patrol the Procession of Souls, keeping watch over the souls of the dead and keeping astral predators at bay.
Category. Nawaquivoan Gods
Edicts. Pass on the stories of those who came before, honour your ancestors, create or preserve written texts
Anthema. Desecrate a grave or shrine to the dead, destroy written works, be cruel to dogs or spiders
Areas of Concern. Ancestors, dreams, stories, writing
Symbol. Spider weaving a dream catcher
Sacred Animal. Dog, spider
Sacred Colour. Purple

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability. Intelligence or Wisdom
Divine Font. Heal
Divine Sanctification. Can choose holy
Divine Skill. Society
Favoured Weapon. Flail
Domains. Dreams, family, glyph, soul, vigil

Cover image: Platinum Compass by Generated using


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