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Boyomanka (BO-yo-MAN-ka)

Gentle Father Green

Boyomanka is one of the supreme deities of the Carneman Islanders. He is the father and nurturer of all the islands in Nawaquivo, a god of fertility and vegetation, of fresh water and nourishing rainfall, gentle winds and community. The Carneman Islanders believe that it was Boyomanka that safeguarded their ancestors through the apocolyptic disasters of the Age of Burning Waters, shepherding them onto high ground, and when the tides finally receeded, seeded the devasted lands that remained with life once again. His importance to the islanders is second to none, for thanks to him, the islands continue to provide produce thanks to his nourishing touch. His is kind and gentle with a fatherly affection for those he favours, though he can also be stern when admonishing those who disappoint him. In a strict cosmological sense, Boyomanka is one of only two of the Carneman pantheon that is an actual deity, along with his wife Elatabe.

Divine Domains

Air, Earth, Family, Lightning, Nature, Protection

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Flourishing Island is the holy symbol of those who venerate Boyomanka. It fully encapsualtes his generous, gentle nature and his love of a verdant natural world. A tall mountain peak covered in greenery amid a vibrant blue sea, beneath a gentle rainfall, the flourishing island is a recognised and respected symbol across the Carneman Islands. Simple versions are often carved into the handles of farming tools, on the trunks of trees in particularly fertile groves, or onto stones along the banks of freshwater streams.   Boyomanka's favoured animals are those associated with the air, ground and water, such as herons, nutrias, muskrats, beavers, kingfishers and hutias. More than animals, a number of fruits and vegetables are also considered sacred to Boyomanka, in particular cassavar, mangoes, coconuts and prickly pears.  


Boyomanka is depicted in Carneman statuary as a warm and kindly man in late middle-age, his face marked with smile lines. His appearance can vary depening on which of his aspects is being portrayed. In his aspect of a deity of rain, he is shown smiling serenly down from a bank of dense rainclouds, usually with blue or grey skin. In his aspect as the father of islands, his skin is a rich earthy brown tinged with vibrant hues of green. Some of the more elaborate depictions of Boyomanka go so far as to have a fruit bearing tree growing out of the top of his head, or have his body fusing with the water of a freshwater stream.

Tenets of Faith

Boyomanka teaches his worshippers to focus their lives towards the betterment of their families and communities. His clergy are highly active in their respective communities, well regarded and respected by their neighbours for their sense of communal spirit and generosity. Boyomanka strongly disapproves of selfish sins such as gluttony or miserliness, and his faith is replete with cautionary tales of greedy or self-indulgent individuals who suffer poetic falls from grace.   Openness and hospitality are key virtues to Boyomanka's faithful. Kindess to strangers, particularly the downtrodden or misfortunate, is especially important, as through such acts a community can grow stronger and more harmonious.   Boyomanka is also a lover of the natural world, and as such many druids find themselves attracted to his faith. Those druids who do worship Boyomanka associate more closely with settled communities, working to ensure healthy and abundant crop yields.  


Boyomanka's favour is often expressed through a gentle drizzle of rain that follows the individual or group that has pleased him, or of sweet fruits growing to full ripeness even from dead wood. His displeasure is usually expressed more mildly than other deities, usually with a sudden rumbling of thunder even among a clear sky, or of seemingly fresh food turning overripe, sour or bitter.




Towards Boyomanka



Towards Elatabe

Category. Nawaquivoan Gods
Edicts. Cherish and protect nature, cultivate the land and its bounty
Anathema. Despoil areas of natural beauty, hoard resources for yourself
Areas of Concern. Nature, fertility, the weather
Symbol. Green island and a raincloud
Sacred Animal. Heron, nutria
Sacred Colour. Green, blue, brown
Elatabe (spouse)

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability. Constitution or Wisdom
Divine Font. Heal
Divine Sanctification. Can choose holy
Divine Skill. Survival
Favoured Weapon. Hatchet
Domains. Air, Earth, Lightning, Nature, Water, Wood
Cleric Spells. 1st; Protector Tree, 3rd; Wall of Wind, 6th; Tangling Creepers

Cover image: Platinum Compass by Generated using


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