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Elatabe (ela-TA-bei)

Wise Mother Firelight, The Smoke Seer

Elatabe is the Carneman goddess of the night, magic and prophecy. Together with her mate Boyomanka, they are the supreme deities of the Carneman Islanders. She is the mother of all the ceti, the demigods of the Carneman pantheon. She created many of the constellatons visible from Nawaquivo, and she can glean the future by casting powders, bones, or even her divine blood and spittle into her sacred fires. Elatabe was hearbroken at the divine schism that tore her children apart, led by her rebellious eldest child Torauac. She still hopes that she can find some way of reuniting her broken family, though if such a thing is possible, even she cannot see for certain.

Divine Domains

Darkness, fate, fire, magic, star, truth

Holy Books & Codes

Elatabe's holy book is called the Words of the Pit, a reference to the firepits central to the divination magics employed by her servants. This collection of works gives instruction on how to read and interpret the signs of numerous divination practices, including the reading of bones or smoke reading, as well as omens in the natural world such as the flights of birds or in the bark of trees. Alongside these instructions are moral imperatives regarding the reading of fortunes and the use of magic for the betterment of all, not for the individual.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The most common symbol of Elatabe's faith is the Face in the Smoke, showing a smoking firepit with a sagacious female face framed by the smoke. Encapsulating the goddesses principle domains of fire and magic, the symbol is commonly engraved and worn on wooden tokens and amulets carried by her faithful. Priests of Elatabe wear deep red robes with orange, yellow and black trim, and carry bundles of dried herbs and grasses that they use in their rituals and fortune-telling ceremonies. The rare island flower, crimson moonflower, is especially sacred to Elatabe's faith, believed to aid in especially accurate predictions and prophecies.  


Elatabe appears as a middle-aged Carneman woman of generous proportions, with curvacious hips, stomach, thighs and heavy bosoms. Her thick dark cornrow hair is pulled up into a large bun atop her head, with flames and smoke dancing within the braids. When depicted in an angered mood, her lips are usually pursed as though sucking her teeth, her smoldering lash raised menacingly. Otherwise, she is usually shown sat cross-legged with numerous motes of fire orbitting her.

Tenets of Faith

Elatabe's faith revolves around the practice of magic, especially divination, put towards the betterment of those around you and the wider community. She is incredibly strict with those who practice her prophesying arts, and is swift to punish those servants who abuse their talents or give flase or misleading information when petitioned.   As the goddess of the night and the stars, Elatabe's faithful can usually be encountered in the wilderness during the dark hours of the night, illuminating the darkness with their sacred fires. Her faithful act as beacons of hope and safety in the darkness for those who have become lost, guiding them on their true path once the daylight comes.  


Elatabe is notoriously strict and hot-tempered, quick to anger, but also warm and soothing when her mood settles. She generally communicates with her servants directly through the flames and smoke of fires, causing overt images and shapes to manifest within them. At times where a fire is not present or unsuitable, she usually sends margays or nightjars to shadow her faithful as signs of her favour. When she is displeased she causes fires to lose their light and warmth, or go out all together, or otherwise produce such thick, acrid smoke that burns the eyes and throats as to render divination impossible.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

One singular goal occupies Elatabe's mind; to reunite her fractured family. Torauac's betrayal and fall from grace wounded her deeply, especially that he convinced half of his other siblings to side with him. At first, her anger overpowered all other emotions, especially when Torauac kidnapped and imprisoned her favoured child Ranguajoya. Yet the passing of ages has seen her anger give way to grief and in turn hope. She is convinced that there yet remains a path to show Torauac and those who followed him the error of his ways and bring him back into the fold. As of yet, she has not yet discovered how to achieve this, yet she is far from ready to give up on her wayward children.




Towards Boyomanka



Towards Elatabe

Category. Nawaquivoan Gods
Edicts. Use magic to aid or advise those around you, be mindful of omens or signs within the natural world, be a source of protection and safety in the darkness
Anathema. Give deliberately misleading prophecies, use darkness to terrify another, harm or betray a friend or family member
Areas of Concern. Sorcery, prophecy, the night, fire
Symbol. A woman seated before a fire pit
Sacred Animal. Nightjar, ocelot
Sacred Colour. Black, orange
Boyomanka (spouse)

Devotee Benefits

Divine Skills. Intelligence or Wisdom
Divine Font. Harm or Heal
Divine Sanctification. Can choose holy
Divine Skill. Arcana or Occultism
Favoured Weapon. Whip
Domains. Darkness, Fate, Fire, Magic, Truth
Cleric Spells. 1st; Object Reading, 2nd; Ash Cloud, 4th; Vision of Death

Cover image: Platinum Compass by Generated using


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