Abandoned Warehouse Building / Landmark in Hausken | World Anvil
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Abandoned Warehouse

The warehouse for the exchange was halfway between the slums and the industrial district.   It was a large, rundown building, half way between the slums of the city and the industrial district. Rectangular in shape, spears of light hit the ground at sharp angles due to the rusted holes in the ceiling. The windows which swept down each side of the factory were stained and broken creating a muddy coloured atmosphere. The building had a second story in the form of an exposed walkway, following the border of the building. This may have been used when the warehouse was still operational, and the supervisors could have surveyed the factory floor without the worry of being in the middle of production. Six large wooden pillars stood like giants, holding up the vast and open roof space. Old rusted machinery parts, and large wooden crates littered the floor of the warehouse, creating an unusual yet oddly beautiful landscape for such a meeting.   The oversized rectangular doors were rusted open, the wood warped and crooked. One of the doors to the east side of the warehouse was also rusted and jammed open, the other was missing completely. The low light in the warehouse meant that everyone needed time for their eyes to adjust to the light variations.  
Warehouse / Granary


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