Hausken Marcus stabs Merakeh
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Marcus stabs Merakeh

Life, Trauma/ Loss

5/10 19:00

During the fight, Marcus stabs Merakesh to his lower abdomen with a serrated knife.

“Merakesh!” he heard Eli shout out but it was too late for him to react. With a large serrated knife in one hand, the Daemonkin thug approached in haste and stabbed the blade deep into Merakesh’s side.   Marcus leant in so that Merakesh could see his face and hear him clearly. His words were no longer playful, instead, the held a spiteful bitterness and malice. “We are deceivers, you and I. We build our worlds with lies and wait in the shadows for it all to come crumbling down. You are a plague on the Tinatao, and we have suffered enough. Bantha is not a forgiving man.” He took hold of the dagger protruding from Merakesh’s side and twisted it. Merakesh winced with anguish but he could do nothing to prevent his fate. “Show not mercy Brother,” Marcus twisted the knife again and wrenched the weapon from Merakesh’s flesh, holding up the bloodied blade for them both to see. “And revel in the blood of the enemy.” Marcus took the blade’s point and aimed it at Merakesh’s eye. “I could end you right now, you seem so intent on torturing yourself.” He dug the knife tip just inder his eye and cut down towards his cheek – a shallow cut but one he knew would scar. “You can cry red today.” Merakesh said nothing and stared at him with rage. “Yes,” Marcus smirked. “The Dark is still within you, I can see it.” He placed a hand on the bleeding wound he had made in Merakesh and pushed enough to make Merakesh wince. “I can feel it. It is not too late.”   There seemed a desperate need in Marcus’s face, his eyes were almost begging Merakesh. After all the time that had passed, and everything that Marcus had just done, after all that had been said between them, he wanted his friend back - he wanted his brother back.   There was a strong resolve and defiance deep within Merakesh, that could not forget the horror of the Tinatoa, of the transgressions Marcus had carried out. He could not cast his new friends aside to go back to a life that seemed simple with Marcus. He had gone too far, and now, their fates entwined without being on the same path. If he was to die, he would die on his own terms, and with the revelation in his heart that he was a free man to make his own choice, and that things could never go back to the way they were when they were young. He hated Marcus, he loved Marcus, he was indebted to him, and at the same time, Marcus and the Tinatoa had taken everything from him. The conflict only seemed to tired him further. Merakesh parted his lips feebly and managed to mumble a few parting words to Marcus. “Urlang lurgma nikoll’eta, Brother.” Debts are always collected, Brother. Merakesh began to lose consciousness, as the blood from his wound ran darker. Marcus cursed at his stubbornness to surrender and let out a frustrated huff. He could feel the need to stay with his brother until death, he didn’t want him to die alone, but the tug on his arm from the last remaining thug drew his attention away. With blurry vision, Merakesh watched Marcus and his flunky flee from the warehouse, with Eli and Dougal in close succession.

Related Location
Abandoned Warehouse
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Character History - key moments
Merakesh (article)