Architect Communication in Hausken | World Anvil
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Architect Communication

When Marcus Compton and Merakesh Larkin worked together as an Architect and Assassin, they communicated with a variety of signals. The below is the list of these.
  1. A double handed brush of the waistcoat (enclosed room at the back with two exits).
  2. One-handed brush of the left leg (the targets are armed but injured).
  3. He twisted to the right-hand side, stretching and yawning (tight space, long range attack would be difficult, go through the kitchen).
  4. With his right hand, he pulled out his pocket-watch and checked the time. (likely to move to a new location within the hour).
  5. After bending down to tie his left shoe (they will be calling for backup, human causalities expected),
  6. he pulled from his coat pocket a cigarette. Using a match to light it, Marcus was sure to throw the match away with his left hand (movement of people will favour subterfuge, best approach with caution but could handle frontal attack).
  7. Two long drags on the cigarette and it was dropped it to the ground (no mechanisms or mechanical security in place).
  8. Marcus stamped the embers out with his left foot, and then his right foot (keep the bodies in plain sight).
  9. Brushing his left hand down his right sleeve three times in a row, he placed both hands in his pants pockets and gave a nod (the money is personal, this is a warning to others, target is now live).
    It is a set of communication signals used by the @Tina


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