Marcus Compton Character in Hausken | World Anvil
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Marcus Compton

Mr Marcus Compton (a.k.a. Brother;)

He liked this life style, he liked the drinking, he liked the cigars, but he loved the women. He had a face that women loved and he managed to cosy up with as many as he could. Marcus had a charismatic vibe, he oozed an innocent charm that had seen him escape from many sticky situations.  
“Daemonkin have mutations from our ancestry, they vary. Marcus uses Glamours, that’s why we were so successful together. The Glamour ability is why he’s the most dangerous Architect there is. If he wants you to do something, then you’ll do it. He’ll make it happen.”
  Marcus never liked to talk about his family, or his past before joining the Tinatoa at an early age, though he had always claimed he gotten his powers of seduction and charm from his mother. “Me’ Ma’ taught me the Charm,” he would tell Merakesh Larkin every time he got out of trouble with his enigmatic smile and flattery. He’d then take a hold of the gold chain around his neck, kiss it, and show gratitude. “Thanks Ma’,” he’d mumble. Though for someone who never spoke ill of his own mother, he never had a problem degrading women to objects of sport and leisure. All Merakesh needed to do was to find several women standing around laughing, and he knew Marcus would be there pulling the strings.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

  • Medium height, slim build

Identifying Characteristics

Tinatoa Features
  • Tribal Tattoos cover his arms, legs, chest, and back
  • Tatoos on the back of his hands and knuckles
  • No tattoos to the neck or face

Special abilities

Daemonkin Features
  • Inherrited 'Charm' from his mother known more commonly as the skill 'Glamour'. Glamour allows him to place thoughts into people's heads, ultimately controlling them through the power of suggestion. It is a powerful, feared and sort-after gift.
  • Has small horns on his head that he hides with his hair and the bowler hat.

Apparel & Accessories

Usual outfit
  • a tailored suit, with a waistcoat and tie
  • a bowler hat
  • smart shoes
He got his intial suit from Bennett after being given his business card by Bantha. He goes to Bennett to get most of his suits tailor made.   He is quite a vein creature and likes to always look good and wear nice clothes.

Specialized Equipment

  • a gun holster over his chest to conceal a gun under his jacket

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Marcus joined the Tinatoa when he was 9 years old, after losing his mother to illness. He never knew his father. He worked for the Tinatoa as a runner, moving around Hausken unseen as a tiny Daemonkin child, making deliveries and picking up packages. When he was 19, a new face in the Tinatoa worked with him and there was an instant bond. He worked with Merakesh for a few more years until they both decided they would try their hand at getting glory by participating in the Pitt Fights. Making a name for themselves, it caught the attension of Bantha, allowing Marcus to show off his Glamour and secure himself a place in the high ranked Tinatoa.    Marcus has worked for Bantha in the Tinatoa ever since.    Since Merakesh's departure from the Tinatoa, he finds himself drawn back to his friend at points, trying to convince him to come back to the criminal life, offering advice, and trying to soften the blow between Bantha and Merakesh. His complicated feelings and conflicted loyalties, pushes Marcus between love and hate for Merakesh, creating a dynamic where they want to kill each other, but also save each other.


Works for Bantha in the Tinatoa as an 'Architect'. The Architects were often paired with Assassins, partners in crime – where there was one there was the other. An Architect was the one who set up the job – the right time, the right place, the right people. They had connections and influence, they were the ones that people owed favours to. The Architects were just that, the builders of a situation, the constructors of reality to suit the needs of those they worked for. Sometimes it wasn’t enough to just kill someone, sometimes there had to be meaning in it. Feathers had to ruffle, threats had to be given, an Architect was always the first sign that an Assassin was on its way.

Accomplishments & Achievements

His 'first trophy' was the gun given to him by Bantha after he glamoured Kingsman to get the gun for Bantha's test.
36 years
Date of Birth
7th of Gust, 368 YAW
Red Eyes
Dark brown, full and slightly messy
Aligned Organization


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