Ascended Species in Hausken | World Anvil
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Their work often led to heal the sick, defend the weak, smite the wicked, or instil a religious morality that those who were lost could find solace in. Ascended who serve The Church, work and sometimes live at the Temples around Hausken. The Temples vary in size and shape, as some are designed to help those in need with soup kitchens or healing facilities, and some are more designed for prayer, rituals and ceremonies.

Basic Information


Ascended are blended Celestials with another specicies - primarily Human or Elven. The physical attributes of an Ascended stay as the host, except for the gold shimmer that appears over the eyes iris.

Biological Traits

Gold tint to their iris. Celestial's hosts lifespan is the same as others but benefit from The Church's healing to keep away illness.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ascended take on a portion of the magic held strong by the Celestial. For a healing Celesital, the Ascended can be inbued with healing properties and knowledge. For a Holy Warrior Celestial, the Asceneded may gain a strength to pick up the sword to carry out their life's purpose.

Civilization and Culture


Celestials forgot how to be all-loving and all-power, and so clung to Humans like parasites. They shared their host body like a puppet master – at least that’s how the Humans saw it. There were some who thought a life of peace and healing, preying and reflection was a worthwhile calling. But most people still saw them as the failures they had become – the Ascended. The Ascended shared their human body with a melded soul of their own and that of a Celestial. In return, the Celestial imbued the host with the powers of healing and of their vast knowledge. They were one being with no pull or push, it was harmony of two essences with good intensions. Their work often led to heal the sick, defend the weak, smite the wicked, or instil a religious morality that those who were lost could find solace in.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
90 - 100 years
Related Organizations


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