Crystal Lounge Building / Landmark in Hausken | World Anvil
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Crystal Lounge

Located along the edge of the Slums.   On Matlock Avenue.   A moderate building at the end, a combination of all his favourite things – a meal, a show, and if you liked what you saw you could take them home for dessert. There is a gambling floor to the left of the bar, and an opiate den in the basement. It is run by Bantha and the Tinatoa. It was called The Crystal Lounge, but to those who were true to the life it was known simply as the Ink House.   The bar was full of rowdy men each competing for the attention of the bartender, waving their empty glasses and shiny coins in his direction. There were arm chairs to the right where men sat propped up with whisky bottles, cigars, and semi-naked entertainers perched on their laps.  
Alternative Names
The Ink House
Owning Organization


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