Bantha Character in Hausken | World Anvil
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Bantha (a.k.a. Spitfire; Boss)

The Tinatoa leader was a large bald Daemonkin with muscular arms and a closely shaved head. He was covered in tattoos that swirled and interlocked, giving him the appearance of a warrior in war paint. He had a family legacy of crime to groom him as a Mob Boss. His loud booming laughter threw fear into the room, as he was known for changing his mind from second to second, trading a good time for a shallow grave.   Bantha had been part of the Tinatoa for a long time, and had earnt the nickname 'Spitfire' due to his Daemonkin attributes.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Calls Merakesh "Wolf"
Red eyes
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • First rule – don’t relinquish your weapons, under any circumstance.
  • Second rule – you do the jobs I want you to do, not the ones you choose to do. I give you a target and you take care of it for me. No questions, no obstruction. It’s done before the deadline and we don’t have a problem.
  • Third rule – I don’t tolerate a snitch. Ink is blood and family is forever.
Aligned Organization


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