Dark Council - Room of Doors Building / Landmark in Hausken | World Anvil
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Dark Council - Room of Doors

With a rush of magic and a feeling akin to being pulled through a narrow tube, you step from the invisible Magic Portal in the city into the Room of Doors. The instant your boots touch the cold stone floor, the swirling energy behind you sputters and dies, the rune-etched archway which held the portal glowing momentarily before the ethereal light fades, the once vibrant runes retreating into invisibility on the stone.   The room itself is a marvel of ancient architecture, grand in its scale and austere in its design. Immense stone archways, unoccupied by portals, loom large against the walls, their presence reminiscent of dormant gateways waiting for the right command. Each archway, carved from stone and inscribed with barely visible runes, stands vigil in silent anticipation, their secrets locked away from prying eyes.   Scattered torches set into the walls illuminate the space, their dancing flames casting long, flickering shadows that animate the room. The glow from the torchlight reveals stone Gargoyles perched high above, their forms frozen in a timeless vigil. They are eerie statues in the quiet, their stone-carved features highlighted ominously under the torchlight.   The eerie silence that greets your arrival is almost sacrosanct, disturbed only by your own heartbeat drumming in your ears. The stone gargoyles, their eyes empty and yet infinitely watchful, cast an oppressive aura of expectation, waiting for the intruder's next move.   As you take your first steps, the tranquillity shatters. An echo of stone grating on stone reverberates throughout the room, the gargoyles stir from their stasis, their stone bodies emerging from the shadows in a horrifying ballet of motion. Eyes, that were once chiselled stone, now glow with an unnatural light, igniting the room with their malevolent anticipation.   A cacophony of stone and wings fills the cavernous room as the gargoyles descend from their perches, their roars shattering the hallowed silence. The Room of Doors, you realize, is not just a mere portal hub but the beating heart of the The Dark Council's stronghold. And its stone guardians will stop at nothing to protect it. The fight has begun.  
Alternative Names
Portal Room
Room, Chamber, Teleportation
Owning Organization


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