Ignatius Ludwig Character in Hausken | World Anvil
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Ignatius Ludwig

Lord Ignatius Vernon Theodore Ludwig

Ludwig is the head of the The Dark Council. However this is kept secret from the rest of Hausken. Ludwig is the Governor for Hauskenite Affairs, and has been given the title 'Lord' in honour of his service to the Government.   Ludwig was a powerful Human mage, and followed the law until the dissappearance of his son Simon Ludwig 11 years ago. His son has never been found, and has been presumed dead. The unknowing and responsibility he felt, drove him into unreasonable madness, and towards dark magic. He has a resentment for all law enforcement and "heros" in the city as they were not there to save his son.   Unknown to anyone, but Merakesh Larkin is responsible for Simon's death as one of the names to complete the five Blood Magic wards given to him by the Lady of the Bones.


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