The Dark Council Organization in Hausken | World Anvil
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The Dark Council

A faction that contains many of the Dark Mages of Hausken and have their own sanctum they use as a base to work from. This is protected by dark magic and can only be accessed through Magic Portals which terminate at their Dark Council - Room of Doors or via a series of complicated sewer tunnels protected by The Guardian.   The Dark Council collects dangerous and coverted magical objects, and stores them in their Hidden Vault. The Dark Council is known to enslave and traffic Elves and Daemonkin as their dark magic has the means to control them, which would be otherwise quite difficult.   The head of the Dark Council is a powerful Dark Mage called Ludwig Ludwig. Although Ludwig considers himself superior to most, especially those outside the council, he will work with whom he needs to should the need arise or the reward be benificial.
Secret, Occult


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