Elven Seven in Hausken | World Anvil
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Elven Seven

The Elven houses from the Elven members of the Tower Council are displayed, but influence over Hausken Human/Elven politics may are not the same as the seven Elven houses considered the most powerful Elven houses in Hausken. "Power" for Elves come not just from wealth and influence but from the lineage, magic, and deeds carried out in the past. The Elven Seven have no crests or insignias used to define them as the older and more powerful houses, their recognition in Sanctuary Day was a token inclusion to help integrate Elves into Human cultural events such as Sanctuary Day. Instead of banners, the seven powerful houses of Elven heritage were represented with seven different flowers, worn pinned to coat lapels or tucked into braids of hair.  
Representing FlowerElven HouseAcheivements of Note
Flower - Rothwan 
House of Withrethin 
Flower - Green Dalandrin 
House of Ethanodel 
Flower - Liadon 
House of Caphem 
Flower - Galanodel Bush 
House of Selevarun 
Flower - Yellow Alora 
House of Lathalas 
Flower - Hanali Blossom 
House of Raethran 
Flower - Til'tathin 
House of Ofandrus 


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