Tower Council Organization in Hausken | World Anvil
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Tower Council

After the devastation of The Wrath, the city became a sanctuary for stranded races in need. The Elders started to absorb representatives other than Human and grew its number to twelve. It held senate inside the large central tower, and in time, evolved their name to reflect this trend. The Elders became known as the Tower Council, governing the city and her people.   Current Members: Lewis Marston; Anthony Brixton; Ralf Hamilton; Ulfgar Daerdahk; Trym Gresham; Malquis Hanali; Theren Ostoroth; Raym Kenley; Morkral Silveraxe; Rosamund Enfield; Leshanna Galanth; Drogo Holton   The symbol for the tower council is represented with an oblesk tower marked with the Watchful Eye of Lestalt. Surrounding the tower is a compass with 12 points, representing the 12 Influential House members and their guidance for Hausken.   The Tower Council do not include any representation from the Elven Seven, and include them in celebration and ceremony like Sanctuary Day merely as a way to bridge the gap between races and magic.                                                                            
Family CrestName of RepresentativeRace
Lewis Marston Human
Anthony Brixton Human
Ralf Hamilton Human
Ulfgar Daerdahk Dwarf
Trym Gresham Dwarf
Malquis Hanali Human
Theren Ostoroth Elf
Raym Kenley Human
Morkral Silveraxe Dwarf
Rosamund Enfield Human
Leshanna Galanth Elf
Drogo Holton Human


The group created the Hausken Calendar after they were cut from other civilisations.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, City council
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