Farmers Alliance Organization in Hausken | World Anvil
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Farmers Alliance

Responsible for all food and beverage production. Although the Merchants Guild are responsible for the end-to-customer establishments, the Farmers Alliance are there to support those who make or grow the products such as farmers, fishermen, brewers, distillers, bakers, chefs, and slaughter houses.  

The Farmers Alliance Emblem

The emblem used by the Farmers Alliance Guild was re-designed by a committee after The Wrath isolated Hausken from the rest of the world to help to better define its purpose and core values. The old logo used representations of produce no longer accessed in Hausken.
  • sheild - the only remaining part left from the original logo, the sheild contains the emblem of the contenants produce alliance. It was kept to look back at historical practice and learn from what had come before.
  • wheat - the most used produce in Hausken as much can be used to feed those with little money.
  • jakotos leaf - this leaf with three points is grown and smoked, a large industry for those of the working class
  • farmer in a field - representation of the human intevension and energy required to grow and harvest farms.
Guild, Professional


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