Goblin Species in Hausken | World Anvil
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Goblins had a talent for the mechanics, their small frames and long fingers could creep in and around machinery like vines around tree branches. Their hazardous nature blossomed in this environment, their pursuit of the unknown and lack lustier approach to self-preservation meant more advancement in this industry than any other within the city.   The Goblins’ skills with machines were often credited as the reason Le’mar Lestalt and the city allowed them to stay. The Goblins had never received an official invitation to Häusken, but instead had just appeared in what seemed like an overnight occurrence. The Humans tolerate the Goblins as they keep much of their machinery working.   It is of the belief that Goblin ruins are buried somewhere under Hausken, and that’s how they got into the city in the first place, they used their old ancestors tunnel system.
Scientific Name
50 - 100 yrs


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